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I was tagged by JustEpicCaitlin

1. What would you do if you met your favorite band/artist (say who they are)

Well, it depends but if I met Fall Out Boy and The Fray, I would cry and for my other favorite bands I think I'd shake...a lot.

But if I meet Fall Out Boy, I would hug all of them and tell them how much I love them and how much I love their music. I would probably try to touch Patrick's tum too.

And if I meet The Fray, well, I'd hug them too and tell them, but mostly Isaac, that it's because of them that I play piano and they made me love music. I'd tell them that when I was five years old, I saw the video for How To Save A Life and completely fell in love with piano then begged my mom during six years to get lessons and that now, I've been playing this instrument for almost five years. And I would cry a lot because they're my favorite band since I'm a little kid and it's my dream to meet them (it's my dream for FOB too).

2. Favorite TØP song?

I don't know all of them but I'd say Tear In My Heart or Guns For Hands.

3. Favorite show?  

Stranger Things, The Walking Dead and Hero Corp (that's french).

4. Favorite female singer?

I don't know that much female singer...well I do but I prefer men so...yeah. But I really like Hayley Williams.

5. Concerts you've been to (say who) and if not, someone you'd like to see?

I've never been to a concert but I'd love to see The Fray, Fall Out Boy, Twenty One Pilots Panic! At The Disco, OneRepublic, Walk The Moon, etc... (so all the bands I listen to)

6. Favorite P!ATD album?

I only have TWTLTRD and DOAB, but from what I've heard of Vices & Virtues I'd say this one...or DOAB.

7. Favorite song? (Overall at the moment)

I kinda have a lot of favorite songs so :

The (Shipped) Gold Standard - Fall Out Boy

Over My Head (Cable Car) - The Fray

8. Would you rather FOB break up or have MCR back together?

Well, I don't want FOB to break up and I don't really like MCR but, they can get back together.

9. Favorite music video by which artist?

This Is Gospel - Panic! At The Disco

How To Save A Life - The Fray

Miss Missing You - Fall Out Boy

10. What would you do if we met?

I don't know, I'd probably be really happy and talk and stuff.

I don't know who to tag so feel free to do it if you want.

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