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It's been two years since the apocalypse began. I've lost so many people I love. But gained new people at the same time. Two whole years without football players and two whole years of no cheerleading. Sad really that all my dreams came crashing down the second the V17 Virus was announced. Im not happy with my life but I'm happy to be alive. At least I'm not one of those girls who are left alone to fend for them selfs. No I live with a group. Friends,family, and anyone who can't defend them selfs against the walkers. But in the group we have captions that really determine all of the decisions. My sisters Sarina and Jaylin help around with the killing. They make sure people are safe and that everything is fine when we all know it'll never be fine. My father is really the head of this whole group. He makes the biggest decisions and he's the one who sends us out to get the stuff we need to be safe and to get the stuff we need to survive. My mother is the one who makes sure all the little ones are ok and she's the one who makes the prison home. Without her I don't think this place would be as good as it is now. She's also the one who calms my father down when he's being a little to hard headed with his decisions. Finally there's me. I'm the one who's in charge when we go out and get supplies. Sometimes I'm the one who kills everything thats a threat since I'm barley afraid of anything. I'm the one that keeps everyone safe and I had to grow up really fast to become like this. My sisters thinks it's hard to kill walkers because it's hard to think they were once people like us you know alive and breathing and not dead and eating the living. But they still kill them and they kill them very very well. Since I was the one to train them after I had training done from my father. Around here we have labels just like high school from two years ago. Yea.....high school. I hated it so much but I wanted to finish it but instead I had to get my education by the teachers we found. Yea we have schools here so we won't be raised like idiots. Oh yea back to the "labels". They call me "Daddy's Little Monster" because I'm serious like him and I'm his fucking clone but I'm a fucking Monster when I kill shit. I'm worst then him when it comes to that.My sister Sarinas label is "Sweet but deadly". It's that because she's the sweetest girly girl ever but when it comes to walkers she's a fucking killer. My sister Jaylins label is "Ninja" because she's fucking every where and she's a fucking master at killing shit like a ninja.'s all dandy around here. We live in a giant state prison in Florida so thank god it's always hot or else it'll be hard for me to kill all of the fucking walkers out there. We got a pool that I sort of went,got, and built for the little ones to play during the super hot days or when they are bored.Yea well this is really my story on how I survive this crazy world that I really don't wanna live in. Oh shit I forgot to mention my name. Hi I'm Analeeze but everyone calls me Yaya so I go by that. I'm 17 years old and this is my story.

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