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Dedicated to Katyismyfirework for her amazing support.




The next morning we went through our normal daily routine, except Sara was the substitute for Blair, and no seemed to mind. She's a great person. I'm not saying Blair isn't, I'm just saying she isn't here. My manager called and said they we're pushing the date back to tomorrow for the signing and performance at White Oaks. I didn't mind it though. It'll just be tomorrow. Hopefully the fans aren't too disappointed.

We were in the middle of eating breakfast when the door flew open and Blair came in. She dropped her stuff on the table and looked up at us.

"I know, I know." She said looking at me.

"You want some breakfast, maybe some medicine?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I"m fine." Then she walked over to Al and kissed her head. "Hey, baby girl."

Al smiled at her mother, and I just watched in silence as Blair walked over to me. She leaned down and kiss my cheek. All you could smell was alcohol and smoke on her. She reeked of it. And it was absolutely terrible.

"Blair, baby, you okay?" I asked once she'd taken a seat beside me.

She shrugged.

"Sara, can you get Al ready for the day?" I asked. "Today's a lazy day."

"Course." Sara said, standing. She took Al with her upstairs with her and Blair groaned before banging her head on the table.

"Baby -"

"Can we just cuddle today? Just us two?" She asked, bring out the pout lip and the doe eyes. And of course I gave in.


Blair and I lay in our king sized bed under the cover. Her leg was draped over my waist, and her head lay on my chest. She had washed and changed into one of my t-shirts, that was a dress on her, and some underwear. Not even a bra.

Al had went with Sara today to her house. I do feel guilty for basically kicking them out, but I had to. Blair needs it.

"Ed," said Blair, "I love you."

"I love you, too, babe." I said, smiling down as the love of my life. She wasn't looking at me, but the telly, so I shifted my gaze back up to the re-ran episode of Breaking Bad.

In a flash, I was laying with my back on the bed, and Blair sitting right on top of my crotch. She leaned down and attached her lips with mine and started grinding her hips on my own. I placed my hand on her hips to stop her and turned my head to make her stop.

"Wait, wait, wait. . . Blair?"

She sighed and rolled off me and onto the empty side of the bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry. I just miss you . . . sexually. It seems like since Aliby was born, we just, stopped."

I chuckled. "Hey, I never questioned you about it. We all have our reasons sometimes."

"So -"

I rolled on top of her and kissed her neck where I know it made her shiver most, and it did. "So I say we dedicate this day to us."


"Wow." Blair giggled. "Can't believe you still move like that."

"How old do you think I am?" I chuckled, looking over at my bare wife who smiled adorably at me.

Almost Is Never Enough // Beddy Spin-OffWhere stories live. Discover now