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Dedicated to : 1D1994 because why not?

Uhhh......omg pls tell me you lot have heard She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds Of Summer!!!1!!!!!1!! If you haven't it's on the side. Watch it now!

Anyway, my flight home is canceled, I have a lot of college assignments to catch up on, a lot of 5Sause one shot requests, and my car is in the shop.

My birthday is in two days! Bloody hell! I'll be 18! MY BODY IS READY ASHTON!!!

Oh Mary, I'm forever alone.

JessieTommo .x



Time zones.

The worst shit you will ever run into when you're traveling. Right now I'm on the jet, both Al and Sara sleep, and I'm so sleepy, but I know its not coming. I'm gonna be awake the entire time, then when we get there, I'm gonna be sleepy as hell.

My phone buzzed in my pj's pocket so I took it out and left the room before accepting the call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Edward, I - I really need to tell you something and I want you to come home immediately after you're finished in the States, okay?" Said Britney.

"Uhh, okay."

"The lad that Blair had an affair with was —"


Out of all the low-life, dumb asses (because everyone knew I was with Blair. We’ve been couple of the year for three years), scumbags in the world, she chose him! Him! I would've felt better if it was Chad. But this, this is low, and this is bullshit.

Our luggage was escorted off the plane and I had to shake Sara awake before grabbing up a sleeping Al. The airport wasn't crowded, but that was probably because no one knew we were here. We got through with no problems and went to the hotel I booked us a room at.

Al and Sara went back to sleep as soon as they hit the bed in the master room. I reached into my duffle and pulled out my journal and a gel pen. I ripped out a back page and left a note on the counter, telling them that I had went out and call me if they need anything.

I grabbed my guitar and hiked it up on my back before leaving the hotel with one of the keys. It was a nice day out so I just decided to walk to my destination.

I haven't been in Miami for years. The sun seemed brighter, the waves seemed louder, and everything seemed happier. I feel like a foreigner, an outcast. I don't belong here anymore. Everythings too happy here. I belong fo London where it's cold, where all my troubles haunt me, where I'm never left alone.

I hadn't realized it, but I ended up standing in front of my old house; mom and I's house. Good and bad memories lay in the walls and floorboards of that house. So many.

It felt as if a force was pulling me towards the house, that I had to go in a see. I didn't fight it. The house looked abandoned anyway. I walked up the driveway, right over to the edge as the concrete met the closed garage door. Written in the concrete was,

V + E

Those two tiny letters mashed into the cement by five year old fingers tugged at my heart, making it jump involuntarily. I don't have a truly vivid memory of the day when we printed this here, but I do remember some of it.


"Edward!" Victoria squealed hugging me tightly, or as tight as she could. I laughed and hugged her back.

Almost Is Never Enough // Beddy Spin-OffWhere stories live. Discover now