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Can someone hold me please? Harry's hats make my heart clench.

And again, Aliby is pronounced (Al-be). Not 'all', but 'al'.

Definitely not edited.




/Blair's POV/

April 23rd, 2029

I think what I love most about April is the warm yet showery weather. Some days your could just sit in and watch the rain drops fall on your window or listen to the pitter-patter on the roof. Then some days you can go out side in some shorts and a t-shirts with a pair of sandals. Yeah, it's filled with pollen, but if you look past that, April is a beautiful month.

Today I took Blair out to a picnic.

We only have certain days together since the tour had started so I'm trying to make the best of it by spending time together. Sometimes she tells me we don't have to spend so much time together,  and I know we're only sixteen (almost), and too young to be in love, but I love her, and, to be completely honest, I feel clingy. Like, I would call and ask if she wants to go out and she'll say no sometimes, and I understand that she wants days to herself, but it makes me wonder if I'm clingy. I probably am. I spend just about every undying minute with her.

At least she didn't seem too bothered today.

We were in New Zealand and NZ has the best Sleeping Willow trees, in my opinion. I found a spot where there was a Sleeping Willow that hung over and created shade, perfect place to lay a blanket. And so I took Blair their. I leaned up against the tree with her snuggled up beside me while we watched a couple movies off my laptop. Then we just talked.

We talked about old things, new things, the latest books, the best movies. It seems like we talked about everything. We even discussed our future. Blair wants five kids. Five! I always thought along the lines of two at the most, but when I think of me and Blair as a couple I don't really think there's a limit to place on our children count...that is, if we last long enough to have kids...if Blair even wants kids with me.

I've always wanted a little girl, so I could protect her, you know? So like, if she brought a boy home I have the right to put a gun to his head if her hurts my little girl. I'd spoil her. Get her whatever she wants just because.

It's kinda like how I spoil Blair, but she doesn't like it. I mean, I'm still gonna buy her things without her consent, but just not as much as I used to. I know too much about her. I'm too infatuated with her, too in love with her. Lets make a list...

1. She really hates the name Blair (because she thinks it's a mans name but it's really unisexual) and wishes her name was Nicole.

2. She once wore blue eye contacts because she thought brown was ugly (don't known who the hell told her that).

3. She really loves the colour dark blue. ''It's like the ocean,'' she always says.

4. When she's really passionate about something her hands wave about as she talks and her head tilts from side to side. She even smiles and her eyes twinkle.

5. She feels like herself being biracial is ugly. I'm not getting into this, Blair is beautiful.

6. She loves hers self but she hates her flaws. Flaws that I don't even notice.

Almost Is Never Enough // Beddy Spin-OffWhere stories live. Discover now