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Dedicated to Makayla because...FUCK YEAH!!!

The beautiful "Sara" on the sidebar. 

 Sorry about spacing. I have no idea how that happened.




"What the actual hell!?"

That's that first thing I heard. The second was a scream. The scream of a women. I jumped up and the first thing I came in contact with was a hard slap on the cheek.

When I was fully awake I looked around at the room. Blair was fuming with Yaz, Jill, and Brit in the doorway, Sara was drenched in water sitting beside a black bucket, and I was currently caressing my most likely swollen cheek.

"You were sleeping with Sara?!" Blair yelled.

"What? What? No!" I protested.

She just shook her head. "You're a lying, cheating, bastard." She sneered.

"The fuck Blair?! I didn't sleep with anybody! Do you wanna check the sheets, smell my balls? What the hell?" I said.

"Why is she in our bed, in your clothes, and was wrapped up on you?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Giving me that 'what's your fucking explanation' look'.

"We were watching movies. She doesn't have clothes here. And Blair you know I do that in my sleep. Remember all the sleepovers we had. I've woken up, wrapping damn-near everyone in the band." I said.

Her face changed into an expressionless gaze, suddenly finding more interest in her shoes.

"You caused all that commotion and noise for no reason. Poured water on Sara, slapped me, and did all that yelling for what?" I said. Then my alarm went off. It was six o'clock. "Now I need to get ready for my interview and stuff at White Oaks. Thanks."

"Edward, I -" Blair started.

"Sara if you want you can go into the guest loo and wash up there. I washed your clothes last night and sat them in the first guest room." I said standing from the bed.

She nodded and left the room.

"Ed-" and I slammed the loo door shut.


I changed into a pair of black jeans, a black button down, I slipped on my rings, styled my hair, and put on some black boots.

I grabbed my keys, phone, and wallet, shoving them in my pocket. I walked into the kitchen once I had gotten downstairs and grabbed a granola bar. I walked into the den room where Blair was, talking to the girls filling up her glass of champagne.

"Al needs to be woken up by eight. Make sure she eats first then wash because she tends to get sticky. Wash her hair thoroughly and blow dry it. Braid it and after. She only gets telly for -"

"Ed! I know how to raise my own kid!" She said.

I rolled my eyes and waved her off. I walked back upstairs to Al's room and she was awake, sitting on top of her bed with Sara beside her.

"Daddy, why can't I go?" She asked. She wasn't crying or anything, but she looked very down.

"Baby, there's gonna be a lot of people and a lot of cameras. They are gonna wanna talk to you. I don't want you in that if you're afraid of it." I said.

"But please?" She begged.

I sighed. "Next time sweetheart, okay?" She nodded and I left a kiss on her forehead before hugging her close. "Have a good day with mommy okay?"

Almost Is Never Enough // Beddy Spin-OffWhere stories live. Discover now