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Sorry for this short, crap chapter, but, God, I’ve had no time to write. I’m so sorry. Dedication to onedirecton123. "Harlow" on the sidebar.

I need to finish my Algebra homework.




Here I am, a grown man curled up in a ball on the couch with his head on his moms lap, crying his heart out.


Blair left about half an hour ago with three suitcases and her purse. She looked beautiful. Skinny jeans that hugged her curves, long sleeve baseball shirt, her UGG boots, and her pea coat. Her hair was curled perfectly and she bad on no makeup, showing her natural beauty. She's always beautiful. Even if she ripped my heart out my chest, stomped on it, and then ripped it to shreds.

She walked over to me, opened my hand, and dropped her wedding and engagement ring in it before leaving.


So I'm left here crying in front of everybody like a fucking pussy, because that's what the hell I am. I'm shit without Blair and everyone knows that. She my backbone, my heartbeat, and my life. She's also my heart breaker.


"Edward, honey, please stop crying." My mom begged for the fifth time.


"Blair used to call me that." I cried.


Al was sitting in the couch across from me, watching as I whimpered and snot-cried on my moms lap. I hated for her to see me like this, but I can't help it. The love of my life just walked out the door, not even sending me so much as a passing glance. Just a cold ring that used to be symbolism  of our love.


Al got up and walked over to me. She placed her hand on my tear stained cheek and sent me a small smile. She placed a small peck on my forehead and forced me to sit up.


"I won't leave you, daddy." She said.


I just sniffled and shook my head. "I promised I'd never let you see me like this."


"Daddy," she said straddling my lap, "everyone cries."


"But —"


"You don't need mumma, and you don't need me. You don't need anybody but yourself. 'Member you told me that, daddy?" I nodded. "Maybe its time you believe in yourself."


I nodded and she hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her tightly. She kissed my cheek.


"I love you, daddy, okay?"


"I love you, too, Aliby."




Everyone left that day. Even Hal, she left right after. . . after. . . well, you know who. Al and I were watching the Breaking Bad over again since Doctor Who doesn't come on until eight p.m. Al was silent the rest of the day. She went back to how she was before, not saying much.

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