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Wednesday, 12:34 pm

I was really worried about Ariana. I know something's going on. But she won't tell me. And I don't know how to get her to. I have to gain her trust. She's trapped in that house with a monster of a man and she needs help.

Maybe I can get her to tell me when she comes over tomorrow. I already know she's stubborn, but there had to be a way. There has to.


4:32 pm

"Ariana, I was thinking we could go out tonight. On a date. We never do." Derrick says.

"There's a reason for that." I mumble.

"Do you really not love me, Ari?"

"Derrick, don't start that crap."

"You know I love you."

"You love me, Derrick? You love me? I could beg to differ with everything you've put me through. Do you see my fucking eye?" I scream.

"Ariana, stop yelling, first of all. Second, I told you not to bring that up."

"You told me not to bring it up? How the hell am I not supposed to bring it up if you keep doing it? I'll bring it up with the fucking police. I'm fucking tired of this shit, Derrick!" He sits on the couch in awe.

I've never stood up to him, well at least not like this, and I think Justin may have something to do with it.

He stands up, and for a second, I think he's gonna hit me, but he just glances at me and walks out, cursing under his breath. A few seconds later, I hear the rattling of keys and the slamming of the front door.

He's going to a bar and won't be back for hours.


4:35 pm

As I'm sitting on the porch, drinking a beer after a long day of doing nothing, I hear a door slam and look up. Derrick is the cause of the noise. He walks to what I'm guessing is his car and gets inside, slamming that door as well, before speeding off.

I think about Ariana, trapped inside that house, with nowhere else to go. No one else to turn to. I have to be that someone else. I have to be the one there for her when no one else is.

Also the one who gives her the attention that she needs. Sexual or not, she is beautiful. She's my princess, and I'm her prince.

I put the beer on the table next to me and stand up. After grabbing my keys from my house, I walk across the street and knock on the door to Ariana's house.


4:37 pm

There's a knock on the door, and for a second I think it's Derrick. He's come back to punch me. But when I open it, hot piece of man is standing there, twirling his keys around his finger.

The frown on my face is replaced with a smile.


"Hi. I was just checking on you. I saw Derrick leaving, rather angrily... And I wanted to make sure you were okay."

She nods.

"Well, I'm fine. Thanks for checking. I guess you can come in."

She steps to the side and I walk in. After she closes the door, we walk into the living room.

"Can I ask you some questions?" I ask her.

"What are you, the police? Is this an interrogation?"

"No. They're just simple questions."

"Like what?"

"What's your favorite color?"


"Just purple? Light purple or dark purple?"


"Nice. What's your favorite food?"


"Be specific."

"How am I supposed to be specific about that?"

"Who made that your favorite food? Who cooked it?"

"My mom. She made it all the time."

"And you liked how she made it?"

"No. I just said that for no reason." She says sarcastically.

"Okay, okay. Chill. How old are you?"

"22 in two months."

"Do you have a middle name?"


"I'm out of questions." I tell her.

She laughs then trains her eyes on me.

"My turn."

"Ask away."

She asks me the same questions, in the same order, and my answers are teal, any type of seafood but mainly crab and lobster, 23 one month ago and yes.

"What is it?" She asks me.

"What is what?"

"Your middle name, dumbass."

"You didn't tell me yours so why should I tell you mine?"

"I don't have one!"

"What would you want it to be?"

It takes her a minute, but when she answers, I know she thought about carefully. Just by the way she says it.



"Because. Now, what's your middle name?"

I could tell she didn't want to answer my question. It was something else hidden inside of her.

"Drew. And don't ask me why because I didn't pick it." She giggles, running a hand through her hair.

"I must be going now." I say, looking at the time on my watch.

"Yeah yeah. There's some kind of football game on or whatever."

"How do you know?"

"Derrick's been talking about it for days and it's pissing me off. I could not care less about football or basketball or any other sport." She walks me to the door and I see Nicole standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

I wave and she smiles before turning around and disappearing.

I say goodbye to Ariana before walking across the street to my house. Funny how the only thing I can actually do is set up the TV and my bed.

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