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Wednesday, 2:10 pm

"Ready for this thirty minute drive?" Justin asks. 

"Well, considering what happened the last time we had a thirty minute drive, I'm not sure." I shrug as Justin slides into the drivers seat.

"You'll be fine." He puts on his seat belt and turns on the car, backing out of the driveway.

"Okay, Justin. Whatever you say." I pick up my phone and start taking advantage of my unlimited data plan.

2:25 pm

"Ari!" Justin yells.

"What?" I look up from my phone, which I had been on since we left.

"What are you doing?"

"Minding my own business." I look back down at my phone only to have it snatched out of my hands.

"Hey!" I look back up at Justin and roll my eyes.

"I believe I paid for that, sir."

"And I believe I have it in my hand right now."

"Justin, you're driving. You need both hands."

"No, I don't." He starts typing something on my phone, while controlling the steering wheel.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Posting something on you twitter. Why?"

"Because you should be paying attention to the road."

"That's true." I look out the window then back to Justin who gives me my phone and puts his other hand on the steering wheel.

"Thank you." I say.

I look at what he put on Twitter and laugh.

Ariana Grande
Don't tweet and drive

"You're a hypocrite." I tell him, putting my phone on the charger.

2:40 pm

"Home sweet home." Justin says, turning off the car.

"Can you carry me inside?" I ask.

"Anything for you." Justin gets out of the car and comes around to my side, picking me up.

There were no police officers here because they only came to make sure nothing changed while we were gone. Justin told them that we were coming back today so they woukd return tonight or tomorrow.

"Are you okay?" He asks, walking up to the front door.

"Yeah. My stomach hurts, though."

"Oh. I would like to have a conversation with it, please."

"A conversation with my stomach?"

"Yep." Justin gives me the keys and I unlock the front door for him to walk in.

He walks to the front room and sits down on the couch.

"Hey, I would appreciate it if you would stop hurting my girlfriend. She's just trying to enjoy her time with me, so I need you to stop. Thanks."

I smile, laying my head on Justin's shoulder. He starts massaging my stomach, which relaxes me a little, and I close my eyes.


3:19 pm

"Well good morning, sleepy head." I say, watching Ariana slowly open her eyes.

"He-" She groans, placing her hands on her stomach.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I don't know. Shit."

"Ariana, tell me what's happening."

"I-I can't... breathe. It's so hot... I feel like I'm gonna throw up."

"Okay. Babe, calm down. Hold my hand and try to breath. Take deep, slow breaths." I try to get Ariana to breathe, and it works.

"Feel better?"

"I guess. I just wanna sleep."

"Okay. I'm gonna to get the stuff out of the car. If you need anything, tell me."

"Okay." Ariana lays down on the couch and, instead of going to get the stuff, I watch her until she falls asleep.


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