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Monday, 10:16 am

"I love waffles!" Tyler squeals as Justin takes Ashlynn's carseat out of the car.

We walk inside waffle house and find that it's oddly empty for the time of day.

Tyler picks a booth for us to sit at and Justin places Ashlynn in a high chair. She looks around, then starts hitting the bars of the high chair, giggling.

"What can I start you off with to drink?" The waitress asks.

She places silverware on the table and we all tell her our drinks.

I feed Ashlynn baby food, bananas, while we wait for our food to come, then give her a bottle to keep her busy while we eat.

11:27 am

"Can we go to the park?" Tyler asks.

I shrug and Justin nods.

"Sure. Let's go." He turns the car on and leaves the Waffle House parking lot.

The park is closer to Justin's house than Waffle House, so it takes a little longer to get there. Once we do, Tyler plays on the playground while I push Ashlynn in a baby swing.

Justin sits in the tire swing, on his phone.

"Let me in too!" Tyler says.

Justin chuckles, scooting over to make toom for Tyler in the tire swing. I laugh as they twist and turn around. It didn't take long for Tyler to get acquainted to Justin at all.

I stop pushing Ashlynn and put myself in another baby swing. I don't fit my legs in the swing, obviously. I just sit on the top, which hurts, but the other swings, being about 10 feet away, were too far.

"Are you having fun, Ariana?" Justin asks

"Yes, a lot of fun." I giggle as he pushes Ashlynn in the baby swing.

"You know the difference between her and you?" Justin asks.

"Other than about 20 years, no. What is it?"

"She can fit in this swing. You can't."

"Do you want your laughs now or later?" I ask.

"Now, please." He mumbles.

I fake laugh and he looks at me like I'm crazy before going to join Tyler who's still at the tire swing.

"Ashlynn, he's a butt face." I say.

Justin turns around, obviously having heard what I said. He sticks his tongue out and I make sure Tyler's not looking before sticking up my middle finger.

"That's nice." He says.

I giggle, watching Ashlynn who's attempting to stuff her whole first in her mouth. I get out of the swing and pick her up.

"Where do you wanna go?" I ask her.

She just giggles in response.

I can't walk far because of my ankle, but I walk around the playground. It's mostly empty because it's April and kids are still at school. The only kids here are babies and toddlers.

12:28 pm

"Ready to go?" Justin asks.

"Yeah. I just wanna lay down." Tyler replies.

"That's great." Justin chuckles.

Ashlynn was starting to get cranky. Probably because it was nap time, so as soon as we got home, I made her a bottle and laid down with her on the couch. When she stopped drinking the bottle, I put it on the coffee table and laid her down on my chest. She fell right asleep and so did I, after watching Justin and Tyler play NBA 2K 17 for what seemed like forever.

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