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Friday, 3:46 am

"I should not have taken a nap." I say.

"I don't know why you thought it was a good idea to go on a walk."

"I don't know why either. I just didn't wanna stay there."

"I understand that." Justin wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"You were too far away."

"That's fine with me. I like being close to you."

"We should take a trip to Santa Monica. I love the beach there."

"How do you know what the beach there is like?"

"I've been. Multiple times. Vacation. My family has a beach house there. Still do. You know Canada is cold."

"Yes, I do know that. Can we to tomorrow?"

"Someones eager."

"I am. I don't wanna be here anymore."

"Of course you don't. I don't either. I'll see if we can leave tomorrow. I'll call my mom right now."

"It's almost 4 o'clock in the morning, Justin."

"Which means it's almost 7 o'clock in the morning in Canada, Ariana."

"Oh. I feel dumb." I frown, looking at my feet.

"Don't." Justin says, but I look up to see him laughing.

"That's still early, isn't it?" I ask as Justin dials his moms number.

"Not for my mom. She wakes up at like 4."

"Sucks for her."

"Ariana, it's four o'clock right now."

"But I didn't wake up now. I've been up. There's a difference."


"Hey, mom. How are you?"

"I know I haven't called you a lot. Some things have been going on, but I'm fine. And I hope you're not expecting me to call you every day, because that's not gonna happen."

"I'm 23 years old, that's why."

"Couldn't sleep. Neither could Ariana. We're on a walk."

"Oh. I'm sorry, she's my 'girlfriend'. Make sure you put quotations around the girlfriend part because I haven't asked her officially yet."

"Yeah, of course."

Justin holds his phone out to me.

"She wants to talk to you. Her names Pattie, do not call her Mrs. Bieber." I nod, taking Justin's phone from his hand and putting it to my ear.


"Hi! This is Ariana?"

"Yep, that's me."

"Well, hello, Ariana. It's nice to meet, well, talk, to you."

"You too." I giggle and Justin looks at me.

"Are you gonna take good care of my son?"

"More like him taking good care of me. He's amazing. But yes, I will."

"Good. And how old are you?"

"I'll be 22 in June."

"Great. Well, that's really all I wanted. Enjoy your walk."

"Thanks, bye." I give Justin's phone back to him and he finishes the conversation with his mom.

"She said it's okay for us to go tomorrow, so I guess we should go home now."

"Yeah." We turn around and walk back home.

Once we're at home, we figure out how long we're gonna stay and some general things to do.

I pack a bag to stay for five days, with clothes for warm and cold weather and some dressy outfits for dinner and maybe a club. Or three.

4:37 am

"Get some sleep, Ariana Grande." Justin says, once I finally finish packing.

"Yes, Sir."

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