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Thursday, 4:14 pm

"Justin, help me!" I whine, halfway off the bed.

"I told you to stop whining. So no, I will not help you."

"Please? I could get a concussion."

"Should of thought about that before you rolled off the bed."

"I couldn't help it. I'm too tired to move."

"Give me one good reason I should help you." Justin says.

I mentally roll my eyes, but think of a reason right away.

"Because I'm your 'girlfriend' and you love me."

"That's not good enough."

"You suck." I mumble.

"What was that, honey bunches of oats?"

"Oh nothing. I was just saying you've never had better sex then what I give you."

"That's true." He nods.

"Justin my head is starting to hurt. If you let me fall, I'll have a concussion and I won't be able have sex with you."

"You make a good point. But you're not gonna get a concussion from falling off the bed."

"Maybe I will if I fall on my head."

"Ariana, I-"

I slide the rest of the way off the bed and, fortunately for me, don't land on my head.

"Ow." I mumble.

"See? I told you." Justin says, laughing.

"I find it funny how you find it funny that I just fell off of a bed and almost landed on my head."

"You should be a rapper." He says.

"Justin, I'm not entertained. Like, seriously, not at all."

"I know you aren't. That's why I'm doing it."

"You are so annoying. I hate you. And don't you dare say what I know you're going to say."

"Oh! You mean 'you weren't saying that a couple hours ago when I had my dick halfway to your throat'?"

"I hate you so much." I bury my head in my pillow and Justin rubs my back.

"It's okay, baby girl. Everything is chill."

"I'm not." I mumble into the pillow.

Justin's phone vibrates from the night stand and he picks it up.

"It's from Cole." He says.

"It says 'it was great hanging with you last night. We should definitely do it again sometime'."

"That's sweet."

"Ariana, things that boys say aren't 'sweet'."

"You're a liar. You called me 'your beautiful princess who deserves the world' about an hour ago." I say.

"Because it is the truth. Isn't it?"

"Yeah. But it was sweet."

"Okay, okay. Maybe we say some things that are sweet."

"Yes, you do. All the time. And it's adorable."

The doorbell rings, followed by someone pounding on it. I almost fall of the bed again from getting scared.

"Shit, that scared the shit out of me." I say.

Justin laughs before getting off the bed. The doorbell rings again and I follow him downstairs.

Justin unlocks the door and a uniformed police officer stands there. One I've never seen before.

"Hello. I'm officer Presley. I've been one of the officers keeping watch on your property. I just wanted to let you know that things have been going great and we've talked to Tyler Johnson, but have not been in touch with Jayce."

"Jayce is the one doing it. I swear. He was closer to Derrick and supported everything Derrick wanted. They're both fucking crazy."

"Thank you for your input, Miss Grande. We'll take that into account. Have a nice day, now." He turns around and Justin closes the door.

We both walk upstairs and I sit on the bed, silent for a few minutes.

"It's Jayce. I swear, it's him."

"I believe you, Ariana. I really do."

I pick up my phone and see two messages from an unknown number.

You'll learn to mind your business.

I'm watching you. Believe it.

Attached is a picture of me and Justin standing at the front door with officer Presley, only a couple minutes ago.

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