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Sunday, 11:16 pm

"Oh shit, shit, shit!" I grab my ankle, and Justin drops the bags, rushing back to me.

He was walking in front of me while I was scrolling through Twitter.

"What the hell did you do?"

"I twisted my fucking ankle, Justin. Is it not obvious?"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Do you need me to carry you to the car?"

I nod, still holding my ankle.

"This is why you don't walk in heels while on your phone." Justin picks me up and walks the rest of the way to the car, putting me in the passenger seat before going back to get the bags.

I'm surprised they were still there. Literally anybody could've picked them up from the parking lot and ran away.

"I'm not letting you wear heels ever again." Justin says as he makes his way out the parking lot.

"You can't tell me what to do."

"I can and I did. No heels until your ankle is better."

"That's not what you said."

"I'm being reasonable. Don't make me change my mind." He says.

"Yeah yeah." I look out the window at the dark streets with only the streetlights to keep them lit up.

There's not many cars on the streets, probably because most people are at home in bed. But those people are boring and have jobs. Who wants a job? Not me. I really was only trying to get a job to make Derrick happy, and so I could start making money to move out.

"Why is this so fucking painful?"

"I know it still hurts. I'll get you some ice when we get home."

"Thanks, baby boy." I run my fingers through his hair and he smiles.

"I like that name." I giggle as he pulls into the driveway of his house.

Justin immediately gets out and takes me inside, completely forgetting about the bags in the car, which is so adorable, then lays me in the bed with an ice pack on my ankle.

"Do you need anything else? I'm gonna take a shower."

"No, I'm fine, babe. Thanks."

Justin walks into the bathroom and I watch the end of White Chicks and the beginning of some random movie that I don't even pay attention to while he takes a shower.

When Justin walks out of the bathroom with his hair still wet and water dripping down his bare chest, I swear I see the mother fucking light. I literally almost died. Right then and there.

"What is this?" He asks, laying down next to me on the bed.

"I don't know. I just know it has Adam Sandler in it." He presses the guide button on the remote and sees the movie is called Click.

"I've definitely heard of this before.
It's hilarious."

"Of course it is. Adam Sandler's in it."

"Stop saying of course to me."

"Why? You're so weird."

"Don't judge me."

"I'm pretty sure you've said of course to me many times in this relationship." I look over at him.

"I have. I know I have, but I changed my mind. Neither of us are allowed to say it."

"I wanna make a rule too!" I giggle.

"And what might that be?"

"You can't touch me anymore."

"Alright, fine. But what about you touching me?"

"I can do whatever I want." I shrug.

"Fine. No more rules."

"Yeah. That's what I thought." He rolls his eyes and I laugh.

"You need to stop laughing at me."

"Justin, you've laughed at me about million times so shut up."

"Point taken." He rubs his hand up and down my thigh again and I groan.

"Justin, fuck."

"What, baby girl?" He asks innocently.

"I really don't like you." I whine.

"Yes you do. You love me."

"No, not right now. I really don't."

"Fine, fine. I'll stop torturing you. For now."

"Please. I'm tired."

"Okay. I'll be back in like ten minutes." He stands up and leaves the room.

I shrug and play Pineapple Pen on my phone for all of two minutes before laying all the way down. It doesn't take me long to fall asleep, but before I do, Justin walks in and replaces the ice pack on my ankle before climbing into bed.

I know he thinks I'm asleep, probably because my eyes are closed and I really just look like I'm asleep.

He kisses my head, whispering 'I love you'.

"Love you too." I mumble.

Monday, 7:06 am

"Ariana, I'm lonely." Justin whines.

"Justin, baby, what do you want?" I whisper, running a hand through my hair.

"I just told you. I'm lonely. Can you please wake up now?"

"You sound like a little kid." I giggle.

"Are you gonna wake up?"

"Fine. But I'm taking a shower."

"You can do that. Do you want breakfast?"

"I'm not a fan of breakfast."

"So you don't want breakfast?"

"Not really."

"Starbucks? It's right down the street."

"I'm aware. I've been many times."

"So do you want Starbucks?"

"Sure. Vanilla bean caramel frappe. Thanks, love you." I blow him a kiss before walking into the bathroom.

I hear him laugh before I turn on the water, and he's gone when I return to the room to get something to wear.

8:47 pm

"I have an addiction." I tell Justin as he attempts to pull my shorts down farther on my thighs.

"You do. To too short shorts."

"They're not even that short. You're overreacting."

"Well, it's my job as your 'boyfriend' to make sure other boys don't think you're available."

"Why'd you put finger quotation marks on the word boyfriend?" I ask.

"Because I haven't officially asked you yet."

"That's legit." I smile and he kisses my head.

"It definitely is. It'll be special when I do though." He kisses my head again, and about ten seconds later, the doorbell rings.

"Well, Justin. Hope you know how to change a diaper."

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