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Wednesday, 9:57 pm

"Baby, are you ready?" I ask, walking into the bedroom.

I walk into the bathroom and see Ariana in a royal blue skin tight dress with matching heels that make her about 4 inches taller.

"Oh shit, I could just bust you open right now." I say.

She looks at me and rolls her eyes then turns back to the mirror and finishes her lipstick.

"Okay. I'm ready." She covers the tube of lipstick, placing it on the counter, then turns to me.

"How do I look?"

"I think my previous sentence can answer that question for you, but, if it wasn't enough, you look sexy as hell."

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself. Let's go." Ariana turns off the bathroom light and grabs her black clutch.

She kisses my cheek then pulls away and giggles.

"There's lipstick on your cheek." She smiles.

"Who's fault is that?"

"Your own. For letting me kiss you."

"I wasn't gonna not let you kiss me."

"Double negatives. That's a no-no."

"What are you? My English teacher?"

"Yes." She licks her thumb and wipes the lipstick off my cheek.

"I feel like your mom." She smiles.

"Oh no no no. Don't ever say that again. I can't have that image in my mind."

Ariana laughs before turning and walking out. I take that as my cue to leave as well. I turn off the light and follow Ariana downstairs.

I grab my keys from the hook and walk outside into the darkness. The only light comes from the streetlights.

"Justin, it's too dark out here. I hate the dark." Ariana grabs my arm and I laugh.

"It's okay. Chill." I take Ariana to the passenger side of my car and make sure she's inside before closing the door, then I walk to my side and get in, closing the door behind me.

"See? Everything is fine." I say.

"Yeah, sure." Ariana buckles her seat belt and I do the same before backing out of the driveway.

10:14 pm

I pull up to the front of Club 115 and get out of the car. The valet opens the door for Ariana and she gets out. Once he gives me a number, I give him my keys and he drives away in my car.

The bouncer looks at both our ID's and nods, unhooking the red rope to let us in. The club is not packed yet, but judging by the line that was waiting outside, it would be soon.

"I want a drink!" Ariana screams.

"Oh God. Here she goes." I mumble.

Ariana doesn't hear me over the music and I laugh. That she hears.

"What's funny?" She asks.

"Nothing." I shake my head, taking her hand and leading her to the bar.

I order noth of us a drink and we walk to a table.

"Hey bro, can we sit with y'all? We need friends." A boy and a girl walk up to the table and I nod.

"Yeah, man. Sit down."

"Thanks man. I'm Cole. And this is my girl, Samantha. Just call her Sam."

"I'm Justin, and this is Ariana."

"Cool, bro. Cool."

Ariana and Samantha immediately start a conversation of their own. Girls.

"So, man, what's up?" I ask.

"Nothing much. Today is Sam's 21st birthday so I brought her here to have some fun."

"Hey, Sam. Happy birthday!" I yell.

"Thanks." She smiles.

"What brings you and Ariana here?"

"Nothing, really. Just to have some fun." I shrug, taking a sip of my drink.

"Neither of us have jobs, so we stay at home all day, watching TV and laughing." I finish.

"Us too. Sam was looking for a job but she stopped." Cole agrees.

"I'm pretty sure Ariana was doing the same thing. But she's such a lazy ass!" I tell the last part so Ariana hears me and she flips me off.

"I don't take offers." I say.

She laughs for a millisecond, then frowns.

"Why are they both exactly the same? Sam does the same things."

"Dude, we are gonna be such good friends." I say.

"We are, man. We definitely are."


1:56 am

"Babe, I am so hype right now!" I scream.

"I realize that." Justin says.

Cole and Samantha had went off somewhere an hour ago and we hadn't seen them since but we already had their numbers so if we didn't see them again tonight, it would be okay.

I was only half drunk, so I was aware of my surroundings. I was also aware that I was extremely exhausted, even if I was "hype".

"Hey!" I turn around and see Samantha and Cole walking up to us.

"There you are!" I yell.

"We were dancing! It was literally the best thing ever!" Sam screams.


"They're too much." I tell Cole, downing the rest of my drink.

I didn't drink a lot, because I was still the designated driver.

"Baby, I'm tired. I wanna go home." Ariana says.

"I know." I say.

"I think it's time for all of us to go home." Cole says.

I nod and stand up, wrapping my arm around Ariana's waist.

We exit the club I give the valet my number. While he goes to get my car, we say goodbye to Cole and Sam.

"Woah, dude. Nice car." Cole says.

"Thank you. Just bought it when I moved here."

"Justin, let's go!" Ariana mumbles.

"Okay, okay." I let her get in the passengers seat before walking around to the drivers side.

"You're very demanding when you're drunk." I say.

"I'm not drunk." Ariana lays her head against the window and I take that as my cue to shut up.

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