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Sunday, 8:39 am

I felt a hand sliding under my shirt, and I immediately know it's Justin's, even if I was half asleep.

His arm wraps itself around my mid section and I smile, opening my eyes. Justin was still asleep. I think it was just natural for him to do that. Even if he was dead.

The only issue was I had to pee, which is half the reason I woke up. The other half was that Justin was touching me.

I didn't wanna wake him up because he was adorable when he slept, and he got pissy when he woke up after not having enough sleep.

I tried my hardest to stand up without waking Justin up. He groaned and tightened his grip on me, but he was still asleep. At that point, I just gave up trying to be quiet because I was about to pee in myself.

I unwrapped Justin's arm from around me and walked to the bathroom.

8:44 am

I turn off the light in the bathroom before returning to my spot on the couch with Justin.

"Welcome back, baby." Justin mumbles in his sleepy voice, his eyes still closed.

"Awe, thanks." He wraps his arm around me and I grab my phone.

I scroll through Twitter while Justin's thumb strokes the small exposed space of my stomach.

I look down at my baby sleeping, finding it adorable that he's still doing these things while he's knocked the freak out.

I put down my phone, burying my head in Justin's neck.

"Going back to sleep?" Justin whispers.

"Yeah." I kiss his neck and he tightens his grip on me.

He knows how to do it so he doesn't hurt me but also so that I know I'm his.

I close my eyes and it doesn't take me long to fall asleep again.

9:36 am

I open my eyes, only to find Justin staring at me.

"Good morning." He says.

"Hey." I smile, yawning.

I'm obviously still half asleep from just waking up.

"I'm hungry. Are you ready to get up?" Justin asks.

"If it involves me getting food, then yes." Justin laughs, kissing my forehead before sitting in the edge of the couch.

He sighs, running his fingers through his hair, before standing up and leaving the room.

I close my eyes for only a few seconds, but it turns out to be more than a few seconds, because Justin has to wake me up, fully clothed and ready to go.

"Shit. Did I fall asleep again?"

"Yes, you did. But it's okay because I'm gonna sleep while you get ready." He says, laying down on the couch.

I laugh, somewhere finding the strength to get up and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and put on a little but of makeup. When I'm done with all that, I brush my hair and put it in a high ponytail, then I go to get dressed.

I pick a gray and maroon flowy crop top that says "My Sass Burns Calories" and white shorts. I put a denim jacket on and grab my phone from the charger and sunglasses from the nightstand before leaving the bedroom.

"Babe, I'm ready." I say.

He sits up quickly, looking around the room, and I giggle.

"That must be why you're so skinny." He says after reading my shirt.

I roll my eyes and he wraps his arms around me.

"Stop rolling your eyes." He whispers in my ear before kissing my neck.

"Yes Sir." I roll my eyes playfully, which he doesn't see because he's still hugging me, and giggle.

Justin pulls away from the hug, taking a look at me.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"Nothing." I say, turning on my heel and walking to the door.

"Fine." Justin follows me out the door, intertwining our fingers.

We decided to walk to the IHOP down the street, just because it was a nice day outside.

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