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Sunday, 11:07 am

"I did not think you would eat all of that." Justin says.

"I didn't either. I don't think I should've. I'm too small for that."

"I know you are." Justin laughs.

The waiter brings the bill and Justin gives her his card. A few minutes later, she comes back with the receipt, which Justin signs before we leave.

"Do you want a piggy back ride?" Justin asks.

I nod and he lifts me on his back.

"You're heavy." He says.

"No I'm not." I lay my head down and close my eyes.

"Don't fall asleep. You'll miss the sharks that wanna bite your head off."

"They don't wanna bite my head off. They can't get to me."

"That doesn't mean they don't wanna bite your head off. They're sharks. It's what they do."

Justin walks down the street to the aquarium because apparently everything is in the same street in Santa Monica. At least all the important stuff.

When we get to the aquarium, Justin places me back on the ground before we walk inside.

"Welcome to the Santa Monica Aquarium. Two young adults, I'm guessing?" The woman standing at the ticket booth says.

"I guess so." Justin pays $59 for both of us to get in and we walk inside the doors.

The first thing we see is a big giant tank with a bunch of multicolored fish in it.

"Oh my God. There's like 50 million fish in there." Justin laughs, taking my hand.

We walk through the aquarium and I make Justin take a bunch of pictures, especially of the sharks.

1:28 pm

"I hope they bite your head off." I tell him as we leave.

"That's not nice at all." He says.

I giggle and Justin wraps his arm around my shoulders, like he had done multiple times in the past hour and a half.

"To the pier!" Justin says.

"Just don't buy me any food. I swear I'll throw up if I eat anything else."

"You're still full?"

"Yes the fuck I am. I'll probably be full for about two days."

"Your decision. I could eat."

"Oh my God, you're so fat." I say.

"How many rude things are you gonna say to me today?" Justin asks as we turn into the pier.

"Many. Until I get bored of it."

"Ugh." Justin groans and I laugh.

"I'm kidding, but I wanna go on the Ferris wheel."

"To the Ferris wheel we go. But then I'm getting a funnel cake."

"That's fine with me, as long as you don't shove it down my throat."

"Shove what down your throat?" Justin smirks.

"You know I have never and never will ever suck anybodies d-i-c-k."

"Whatever you say, Ariana." We get in line for the Ferris wheel, only having to wait a couple minutes because the line is not that long.

"I like Ferris wheels." I tell Justin as he intertwines our fingers.

"Why?" He asks, kissing my hand.

"Because I like seeing everything from that high up. It's pretty."

"I'm a man so I can't say it's pretty but I agree with everything else."

"Why are you such a man?" I ask him.

"Because I'm a man and you're a man hater."

"I don't see how I am possibly a man hater. I let you stick your man parts inside of me, without protection, so I could be pregnant right now."

"I thought you were on birth control." Justin mocks.

"I am. It doesn't always work, you know?"

"I could've sworn I said that a couple days ago and you said it worked all the time for you, or something like that."

"I did say that. But I changed my mind."

"You are too complicated." Justin laughs as we get to the top of the Ferris wheel.

I look around the town and smile.

"I swear I see your house." I giggle.

"I don't think so." Justin laughs and I lay my head on his shoulder.

To be having so much fun with my "boyfriend" and not worrying about anything, this is everything I've ever wanted and more.

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