Maths~ 9

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Malia's POV:
I walked into class and I could feel everyone staring at me. I wanted to yell at them, but I had to stay calm. Especially today.

"Maila?" I heard someone say my name. I turned around and saw Stiles standing there.

"Oh, hey." I smiled and took a seat.

"Are you in this class now?" He asked me and I nodded. "Did you move into here."

"No, I've always been in here, but I never show up." I smiled and took out my work book.

"Oh ok. This seat taken?" He asked me and I shook my head. He took the seat next to me and got out his stuff.

I got out a pen, pencil, rubber, ruler and my work book. The reason I never showed up to math was, I sucked at it. And it never made sense to me.

"Okay class, take out your text book and open to page, 249." Our teacher instructed us and I followed along.

"Do you have a pen?" I heard someone ask and looked around. I saw Stiles staring at me and I tilted my head. "Do you have a pen?" He repeated and I nodded.

I found two pens and picked them both up. A black and a blue one. I smiled and remember my first day, when I asked him for a pen.

"The black or the blue one?" I asked him and watched him smile.

"The blue one please." He smiled back and I gave him the pen. "Thank you, Malia."

"Anytime." I smiled and faced the front.

When I turned back to the front, the board was full of stuff I didn't even understand. I felt my heart rate go up and I started to panic. I tried to calm myself down, but I couldn't.

"Okay, I need three volunteers." I heard the teacher ask.

I watched as she looked around the room and she looked me straight in the eyes. I didn't know what she was doing, so I just stared back.

"Lydia, Max and Claire." She told us, not taking her eyes off me. "Malia, you're next week."

Instantly I felt my heart drop and I just stared at the board. I didn't know anything about maths.

"Stiles!" I whispered loudly. I watched as he turned his head to me and smiled.


"Can you help me study maths?" I asked him politely.

"Sure. This weekend good with you?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Thanks." I whispered and returned to the board.

The only thing I know about maths is, it's pointless and I don't need it. I've gotten this far in life without it, so why do I need it now?

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