Movie~ 19

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Stiles POV:
I was allowed to go home that night, which was a bonus. Normal they keep you over night, to make sure you're okay. But they didn't with me.

"You okay?" I heard her ask me.

I turned around and looked her in the eyes. I smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm fine. I promise." I pulled away from the hug and locked my car door. "Are you sure you don't want to be dropped off at your place?" I asked her.

"It's fine, I can walked." She smiled and pointed up the road. "It's not that far if you think about it."

"Maybe for a were-coyote, but for a human, that's a bloody marathon." I told her, making us both laugh.

Then it went silent. She didn't say anything and I didn't say anything. The only thing we could hear was each others breathing.

"Your dad home?" She finally broke the silence.

"No, not until later." I shrugged my shoulder and smiled.

"Who's going to take care of you?" She gave me a concerned look.

"Me." I pointed to myself and smiled even more. "I'll be fine. I'm a big boy." I laughed, only to receive a glare from her.

She rolled her eyes and walked to my front door. I furrowed my eyes brows and walked behind her.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, unlocking the front door.

"Looking after you." She pushed open the door and walked in.

"Sure, come in." I sarcastically said.

That's the think with, Malia. She doesn't care what people think. I think that's what I like about her. She's not the other girls. She's not afraid to get judged, she just wants to be herself.

"Want to watch a movie?" I asked her, going through the movie section. "I have some good ones."

"Yea sure." She smiled and sat on the couch.

I flicked through them all and grabbed a selection. I put them out in front of her and waited for her to choose one. She looked through them all and picked one.

"Star Wars it is then." I smiled and jogged over to the DVD player.

I placed the disk in and waited for it to load up. It came up with all the option and I pressed play.

"Ready." I yelled and jumped on the couch.

She slightly giggled and got comfortable. The movie began, but all I could think about was her. I couldn't get her out of my head, but when you meet someone like her, it's hard to.

Always you ~ StaliaWhere stories live. Discover now