He came back~ 59

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As soon as he touched me, they all came back. All the memories of me and him. Some of the missing pieces were back together and there wasn't a massive hole in my memory.

"I remember!" I yelled, looking at him. "I remember everything that's happened between me and you. Like the full moon. You couldn't control it and I went running around the woods." I told him, excited I got some of my memories back.

"Really? Are you serious?" He asked me, just as much excitement in his voice.

"That's what we need to do!" I yelled. "You guys need to touch me, and then I'll get back my memories!" I jumped off the couch and started jumping around.

"I'll go get Scott." Liam told me, running off to wherever Scott went.

I sat back down, catching my breath after I was jumping around the room. I looked up, hoping to see Stiles there, but he wasn't.

"Stiles?" I called out, hearing a bang at the front. "Stiles!" I yelled, running to the front door and seeing it wide open.

I ran over to the door and saw Stiles. He was running around, towards the woods. I just watched as he ran and felt my heart drop. Maybe he didn't want me to remember him? And maybe he didn't want to be my boyfriend, and I don't know why that hurts me so much. I can't even remember him, but I can just tell that I loved him. From watching all the videos and seeing all the photos, he meant something to me. And I can tell that and maybe he doesn't want me to be with him anymore.

"Is it true?" I heard Scott as he ran behind me.

"Yea." I told him, shaking the thought of Stiles out of my head. "Yea, when Liam touched me, all my memories came back." I forced a smile and put my hand in front of Scott, waiting for him to touch me.

"Okay, here we go." He smiled, grabbing my hand.

I looked up and saw the moon. It was at its fullest and had complete control over me. I could hear him behind me, running and catching up to me.

I looked behind me and saw he was gaining speed, so I took a right and ran as fast as I could. I looked up ahead and saw a cliff, and I knew what I had to do.

I ran faster, almost to fast for my legs to keep up with. He was also running as fast as he could, trying to catch up with me.

I jumped, feeling the air blow my fur around. At first I didn't think I was going to make it, but I did. I landed and watched as he jumped, hoping he wouldn't make it.

"Malia?" He asked, making my eyes flash blue.
End of flashback:
"The full moon!" I yelled. "And the camping trip and the first day of school. I remember everything!" I yelled, hugging Scott.

"Good." He hugged me back. "Where's Stiles?" He asked me, looking at me and smiling.

"Don't know, don't care." I told him, even though it hurt me so much. "I think he left." I shrugged and walked into the living room, sitting down and trying my hardest to not let the tears escape from my eyes.

"What? That's not like Stiles, he wouldn't just leave when you're getting your memories back." I heard Scott tell me, even though I didn't want to hear or talk about, Stiles. "Did he say anything before he left?" Scott asked me.

"Nope, I just looked up and he was gone." I told him, pouting out my bottom lip. "Why? Is something wrong?" I asked him, starting to feel concerned.

"Yea." Scott said, looking at Liam and then back at me. "I don't think that was Stiles." He told us, reaching into his pocket for his phone.

"Who was it then?" I asked him.

"The nogitsune." Liam answer for him, as he was to concentrated on his phone.  I looked at him confused, hoping he would go into more information. "The one who injected you with the syrup." He rolled his eyes at me.

I felt like I couldn't breath, even though I was breathing perfectly fine. The nogitsune was here the whole time, talking to me and sitting down next to me. He tried to make me remember and he was acting nice, even though he isn't.

"I need some air." I told them, pushing pass them and running outside.

I took some deep breaths in and out, trying to stop my vision from spinning and going blurry. My head was pounding and I could feel my blood boiling, the angrier I got.

"Malia, are you okay?" I heard someone's voice.

I turned around and saw a young girl, probably another one from the pack. She had black straight her, she was pale and really pretty.

"I'm fine!" I snapped at her and instantly regretted it. "I'm sorry. I'm fine." I said in a much calmer tone.

"Do you remember me?" She asked me and I shook my head.

"Here, when you touch me I remember everything pretty much." I laughed at how crazy that sounded and put my hand in front of her.

She grabbed onto it and they all came flooding back. The first day we met, when we went camping, when we fought the desert wolf together and everything else we've been through.

"Kira!" I yelled, pulling her into a hug and taking in her scent. "You smell like a hospital." I pulled away from the hug and blocked my nose.

"Yea, I was just there." She smiled and then I saw someone behind her. "He's back." I whispered, looking into his brown, shiny eyes.

"Who's back?" Kira asked me, looking behind her and seeing who I was talking about.

"Stiles. He actually came back." And then all over again, I was happy just like before.

Always you ~ Staliaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें