Christmas pt.1 ~ 98

240 11 7

Three weeks later:
I woke up to the sound of laughter and people talking, knowing that it was already late in the morning. I rolled over and noticed that Stiles was still asleep, looking cuter then ever. I smiled softly and watched as he breathed in and out, snoring quietly.

"Are you watching me as I sleep?" He mumbling, closing his mouth and stretching out his arms. "Because that's just creepy." He smiled, opening his eyes slightly.

"No, I was admiring you." I laughed, sitting up and lying on top of chest. "How are you this morning?"

"My head hurts, but apart from that I am aye okay." He smiled, putting his thumbs up.

Last night the whole pack went over to Lydia's lake house to celebrate our graduation, but Stiles took that celebration a bit to far. He got super drunk and then passed out on the floor, so I had to carry him to bed. I also partied hard and drank a lot, but I can't get drunk.

Something about my body healing to quickly, so that stops me from being drunk. I'm not complaining because that means I can drink a lot more, but I've always wanted to experience what it feels like to be drunk.

"Can you smell the bacon?" I asked him, taking a deep breath in. "What about the cheesy, warm macaroni?" I asked him, laughing at the face he was making.

"Why are you enjoying this so much?" He asked me, shaking his head. "I really don't think I can eat today."

"But you have to, trust me it will make you feel better. I know you feel like you're going to throw up, but the best thing for you is food." I told him, getting out of bed and putting on my slippers.

"Food just sounds so gross to me right now." He sat up slowly, stretching out his whole body. "Come back to bed and cuddle with me all day." He smiled, patting the spot next to him.

"Eat some fruit at least." I smiled, picking up his shirt and throwing it to him. "And Stiles."

He looked at me and smiled, putting on his shirt and standing up.

"Yea?" He asked me, walking over to me and slinging his arm around my shoulders.

"Merry Christmas babe." I smiled, going on my tippy toes and kissing him.

"Merry Christmas to you too." He smiled, walking with me down stairs to were all our friends were.

I quickly checked the time to make sure we didn't keep everyone waiting for to long, but it wasn't even that late. I smiled when I saw that it was only 9:30.

"Morning everyone!" Stiles yelled, walking into the kitchen and taking a seat at the bench. "How was everyone's sleep?"

I looked around at the kitchen and took a deep breath in. I could smell all the food that had been cooked and was getting cooked right now. I could smell the freshly cook bacon, pancakes, eggs and macaroni.

I looked out onto the kitchen table and opened my mouth in shock at how pretty it looked. It had berries and all the essentials for the pancakes on one end, some decorations in the middle and then bread, butter and sauce all on the other end, but all nicely decorated.

"This is amazing!" I yelled, sitting on Stiles' lap and smiling. "Doesn't this food just look amazing?"

"So amazing." He sarcastically reply, looking away from it and looking into my eyes.

"Still hungover Stiles?" Allison laughed, walking around the corner and entering the kitchen. "I'm not surprised, you did not hold back last night."

"It's all a bit of a blur, but defiantly won't be doing that again anytime soon." He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.

"How is everyone else this morning?" Stiles asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

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