All I need~ 77

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Stiles' POV:
I told my dad that Malia and I broke up and about some of the supernatural world. I didn't tell him about Scott or actually use the word, werewolf, but I did tell him about the desert wolf and that she's a lot more dangerous then what they thought. At first he thought I was delirious, after hitting my head, but then he slowly piece everything together.

"Beacon hills, has supernatural creatures running around killing people? How come I've only just found out about this? How long have you known?" He asked me, sounding slightly freaked out.

"I've known for awhile, but you didn't need to know. We have people out there protecting Beacon Hills, and even if they don't succeed at first, they get back up and try again. That's more so the alpha, the others just help and protect each other. They might not seem like much, but they're a lot stronger then what most people would think." I explained to him, quiet proud of everything we've achieved.

We've fought people who are stronger then us, more powerful, smarter, people who are nearly unstoppable. We've been through hell and back and most of are still alive. Some of us are still living in Beacon hills, whilst others have moved away and moved on with their lives.

"And you're apart of those people aren't you. Along with Scott, Kira, Lydia and all the others." He looked at me, smiling as if to indicate he was proud of me.

"What? No, what makes you think that?" I asked, trying to hide the fact I was lying.

"I'm your father. I can tell when you're lying and lately I've noticed some changes in you and your friends. You all seem stressed and the night you got shot, all your friends where out in the middle of the woods. Try and explain that to me." He laughed, tapping my shoulder and smiling. "You're already a great cop."

I smiled, knowing that I was making my dad proud. I've followed in his footsteps, even though I'm not a cop like him. It's been my dream job since I was little and seeing how much it can affect people's lives, makes me want to continue on with my dream. I know what I want to do when I graduate. I want to follow my Fathers footsteps and become a cop, maybe even a sheriff one day.

"Thanks, Dad." I pushed myself up, ignoring the pain and hugging my dad. "There's still more I need to tell you, but I can't right now. Not with everything else that's happening, but I will tell you. I promise." I told me, making sure he knew I was going to tell him everything.

"I know you will." Seeing my dad like this tonight, made me realise how lucky I was to have a Father like him. A father that cares for me so much, that he doesn't sleep or leave his office for days, until he knows who shot me. A father that would do anything to protect me and make sure I'm safe. "Get some sleep, you need to rest and get better."

"Wait, Dad can you tuck me in?" I asked him, sounding like a three year old that was afraid to fall asleep.

In my case, I was afraid to be left alone again. I know that when I wake up my Dad will be here, but when I'm asleep. I feel alone and all I can think about is what happened between, Malia and I. And how she could already have a new boyfriend, but I still don't even know. She didn't tell me and I was to afraid to ask, just in-case I heard something I didn't want to hear.

"Of course I can, son." He came over to me and tucked me in, making sure my shoulder were covered as well. "I'll be here when you wake up." He told me, smiling and before he turned away, I could see the tears in his eyes.

"I'm fine, Dad. I'm going to okay." I whispered, starting to get tired all of a sudden. "What's happening?" I asked him, confused as to why I was tired all of a sudden.

"I had Melissa give you something, so you could sleep. You need to rest and I'll be right here with you. Making sure you're safe and protected." He grabbed my hand, sitting on the chair next to my bed.

"Thanks." I whispered. "I love you, Dad." I told him, closing my eyes and letting my mind process everything.

I quickly opened my eyes once I felt my dad's hand leave mine. I thought he let go so he could leave, but he was just getting comfortable in the chair. I smiled, knowing that when I wake up, he'll be right there next to me. Most likely asleep, in an uncomfortable position that will give him a sore shoulder, neck and back, but he'll still go through that pain just to stay here with me. Making sure I'm not alone and scared, because as long as he's here.

That's all I need.

Bit of a short chapter, but here a quick chapter of Stiles and his Dad. Hope you enjoy :)

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