Flashback pt.1~ 46

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"How?" I laughed and got a confused look from, Stiles. "I mean, how can this be your first date? You're perfect." I told him, slightly blushing.

He just laughed and pulled me into a kiss. His lips were soft and warm, just like the first kiss we ever had. I wrapped my fingers in his hair and felt his hand on back, gripping me tighter. I slowly pulled away and gave him one last kiss.

"Maybe because I never found the perfect girl for me." He smiled and took my hand. "It's just up here." He told me, pointing to a restaurant with fancy writing at the front.

"Stiles, this is amazing." I told him once we were standing outside the restaurant. I watched as another couple walked in. They were laughing and holding hands, staring at each other like they were the only two people in the world. "Thank you, Stiles."

"It's okay, I'd do anything for you." He told me, making my heart skip a beat. "Let's go, cutie." And there was that word again, cutie. It reminded me of our first kiss, when he kept call me cute and everything that I did was cute.

We walked inside and I felt like the queen. He opened the door for me and closed it behind me. He smiled and grabbed my hand, making me slightly less nervous. We waited for someone to come and serve us and when we did, Stiles leaned over the counter and whispered something.

"Right this way, Mr. and Mrs. Stilinski." The waiter said, walking us to our table. I wanted to tell him that we weren't married, but I didn't want to kill the mood.

I walked pass all these couples and felt uncomfortable. There was this one couple that caught my eye. They were a young couple, still a whole future ahead of them. They sat there, eating and drinking wine. The only thing was they weren't talking, but when they did they would just yell at each other. And then that got me thinking about Stiles and I.

What happens if we're one of those couples? What happens if we constantly fight and we never get along. Not even for one night just to go out for a nice romantic dinner. I shortly shook the idea out of my head when I realised we weren't inside anymore.

I felt the cool breeze hit my bare skin and it sent shivers up my spine. I watched as Stiles had a big smile on his face, like he knew I would like the surprise.

"Here you go." The waiter said, opening up another door for us. The door led to the roof of the restaurant and as seen as I saw what he did, I felt like I couldn't breath. 

"Thank you." Stiles said to the waiter, taking my hand and taking me over to the table. I walked over there, my mouth still opened from the shock. "What? Is there something wrong, I messed up didn't I. Gosh, I knew I went over the top with this." He said, running his hand through his already messy hair.

"No, Stiles it's amazing. I'm shocked. I didn't expect this." I informed him, smiling to let him know I thought it was amazing. "Where did you come up with this?" I asked him, slightly curious.

"I saw it in a movie." He told me, slightly laughing and it made me laugh as well. "I know, pretty lame right." He let go of my hand and walked over to the table.

I followed him and went to pull out my chair, but Stiles quickly got in front of me and pulled out my chair. I thanked him and sat down, waiting for him to start a conversation. He sat down and poured us both a glass of water, as we were both underage and weren't allowed to drink.

"Here you go." He handed me the water with a soft, small smile. "Tell me something about yourself. Something that I don't know." He asked me, taking a sip of the water.

I thought about what I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't think of anything. Most of my life I've been a coyote, and that's all there is to my life. I thought about a lied I could of told him, but then I felt a lump in the back of my throat.

"You okay?" I heard his soft voice and I shook the thought out of my mind.

"Yea, I'm fine. I was just thinking of something." I lied to him, forcing a smile. "Maybe one day I'll tell you the truth." I whispered, making sure he couldn't hear me.

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