Stage one~ 70

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"It's time!" Scott yelled, letting us all know it was time to go. "Just remember to walk straight ahead. Don't take any turns, or else you'll get lost." He told me, grabbing onto my arm and giving me a soft smile.

"Got it." I told him, smiling. "Don't worry, it's going to be okay. It's going to work, nobody is going to die and after tonight we can all go back to being happy and moving on with our lives." I told him, letting him know I was going to fine.

He just nodded and walked outside with the others. The plan was that everyone, except Stiles and I would leave. They would drive to the other side of the woods and wait in there positions. Me and Stiles are going to get into a fake fight and I'm going to walk out of the house, angry and frustrated and I'm going to start walking in the woods.

"Okay, lets go." I nodded, waiting for Scott and the others to leave the driveway. "Me? Are you serious that was all you! It's always you and you know that, so don't you dare blame it on me." I yelled, looking into his eyes and imagining this was real.

"No, Malia it's always about you! You make it about yourself and when it's not about you, you make sure it's about you!" He yelled back, not make eye contact with me.

"We're just friends and that's all! He was there when I needed him, because you weren't there! Because you were scared and didn't know what to say!" I yelled, looking as shocked as he did. I don't know what happened, but I just snapped.

Something inside me finally broke. I looked into his hurt eyes and wanted to apologize, but I couldn't. We needed this to go to plan, and I couldn't screw it up now.

"He was there when I was upset and you weren't. You just left and didn't say anything and do you know how that made me feel? It made me feel worthless and I don't deserve to be treated like that!" I yelled, knowing that I had taken it to far, but with the full moon and all the anger that wad built inside me, I had to let it out.

Everything I was saying, was somewhat true. He did hurt me, but I forgave him. Derek was there for me when I was upset, but Stiles was just scared. I know he wanted to be there for me, but he just didn't know how to.

"I told you I wanted to be there for you! I said sorry and you know how I feel about that! You know I feel horrible and I didn't mean to leave you like that!" He yelled back at me, running his hands through his hair.

"Well you still left me and that still hurts. To think that you would just leave me like that." I started to get quiet towards the end.

"Get out, Malia." He said, pointing to the door.

"What?" I asked, confused as to what was happening.

"Get out!" He yelled, going over to the door, opening it. "Get out and don't think about coming back! I wish I never met you!" He yelled, and I could tell he instantly regretted what he said.

I just shook my head and pushed him out of the way, running outside and towards the woods. I still don't even know what just happened, if it was real or if he was just going along with it. Did he really mean it when he said he wish he never met me? I know I can be a hand full and annoying, but what what Stiles and I have, it works. It works and I want it to stay that way.

I ran, trying to forget what just happened so I could stay concentrated on the plan, but after what just happened that's all I can think about. I was about to scream to let out my frustration, but I heard a stick and leaves crunch behind me, so I kept walking and held in my frustration. I started to walk faster, so this could all end quicker. I wanted everything to be over, so it could go back to how it use to be.

The good, happy days. The days were we would smile all day, and not be able to stop smiling. To the days we didn't have to stress over these sort of things, and we could just do whatever we wanted. I just wanted those days back, but I know we're never going to get a normal day again.

I slowly worked into a jog, running straight ahead towards Chris, Braeden and Parrish. I could hear their heartbeats, they were worried. I think everyone is, but they're just hiding it. They don't want to show there weaknesses in-front of everyone.

I quickly looked behind me, seeing her following me and my heart picked up speed. I don't know what it is about seeing her, but I have a feeling I won't be able to do it. That I won't be able to kill her, even if I have to.

"Malia." I heard her voice, sending chills down my spine. "Malia, I know you can hear me." She laughed, her footsteps getting closer and faster.

I looked behind me and saw her, right next to me. I quickly turned around and started sprinting. I don't know what is it, but I feel weak without everyone else. Like I need them to be strong, even though I'm still strong without them. I didn't bother turning around anymore, because that only slowed me down.

I made sure I made it right into the centre before I turned around, watching as she slowly lifted her gun towards me.

"Any last words?" She asked me, a dirty smirk on her face.

"Just one." I told her, giving her the same smirk. "Now!" I yelled, running away from the gun power and towards Stiles and Lydia.

As I started to run around, I heard a scream and it echoed throughout the woods. It was deadly and it came from behind me, where Chris and the others were. I stopped quickly, turning around to see who it was. I saw her as she fell off the cliff, blood dripping down her leg. Braeden was shot, and it didn't look good.

"No." I whispered, so tempted to run back to her. "Come on, get back up." I whispered, hoping I would see some movement from her.

"Braeden, you okay?" Chris yelled through the gun shots.

"Is she alive?" Parrish asked, still firing his gun at the desert wolf.

"I think she's gone." He told him, his face dropped, but he didn't stop. He kept firing his gun, missing the desert wolf with every shot he took.

"No!" I yelled, running towards the others, tears filling my eyes.

I didn't want the others to know yet, so I had to get rid of them before I saw the others. I blinked as fast as I could, making sure my eyes didn't have any tears in them. I kept running, my lungs started to burn from the lack of air I was taking in, and from all the running I was doing. I was nearly there though, because I could hear his voice.

"She'll forgive you." Lydia told him.

"I don't think so." He replied, taking a long pause. "I don't think anyone would forgive what I said."

"I'm here!" I yelled, running through the trees and revealing myself to them. "I'm here and it's going well so far." I lied to them, hoping they wouldn't be able to tell.

"I feel like this might work." Stiles looked at Lydia and I, smiling like a total dork. "I think we mi-"

And then the gun was fired in his direction.

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