Somethings out there~ 26

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Lydia's POV:
I woke up that morning next to, Parrish. I watched as he lied there, breathing in and out silently. I smiled and tapped his arm, gently.

"Morning." I whispered and kissed his lips.

"Morning, babe." His voice was croaky and soft. "What's the time?"

I turned over and reached out for my phone. I grabbed it and took it off charge.

"The time is," I checked the time and my eyes shot open. "It's 1:36." I laughed and got out of bed.

"Where are you going." I heard him whine.

"I'm going out there." I whispered and put on some shoes. "Make sure you come out soon." I laughed and went outside.

I walked over to find Kira eating a raw egg and everyone laughing at her.

"Good job, K." I laughed and sat down on a chair. "Afternoon everyone." I smiled and tried to warm myself up with the fire.

Afternoon." Everyone said, pretty much at the same time.

I smiled and watched them play truth or dare. My favourite one was when Scott put ice down his pants. I heard a noise come from our tent and I turned my head around.

Nothing was there. I stood up and slowly walked over to it. My vision started to get blurry, from the tears.

"Parrish." I whispered and slowly walked closer to our tent.

No one replied and I could hear him asleep again. I heard the noise again and it was clearer now.

"I'm coming back." I heard something whisper, so quietly I could only just hear it.

I walked closer to the tent and reached out my arm. I touched the side of the tent and got a feeling. It felt like I was standing in a graveyard.

I turned around and saw a women. She had black hair, tanned skin, she was tall and skinny and look similar to Malia.

"I'm coming back." She whispered and ran over to me.

"No!" I screamed as she raised her hands.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I had to let it all out. I opened up my mouth and screamed.

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