Full moon pt.2~11

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I ran inside to find Lydia and Liam waiting in the living room. Liam looked sweaty and Lydia looked worried.

"Where's Scott?" Liam asked me, looking outside.

"He's gone." I said, walking around in circles, trying to figure out what to do.

"What do you mean, "he's gone." Lydia came over to me. "He can't be gone. What are we going to do with, Liam?" She yelled and looked at him.

He was already having troubles controlling it. He looked at us and his eyes flashed yellow, for a split second.

"We need to do something now!" He yelled and fell to the ground. "Stiles! We need to go now!" He yelled and looked up at us.

He had fangs, claws and his eyes were yellow. We didn't have enough time, so we needed to move now.

I picked up and helped him to his feet. I walked him over to the door and Lydia opened it for us.

"Now where?" I yelled and looked around.

"This way!" I heard Lydia's high pitched voice yell. "Hurry, Stiles!" She told me.

I ran over to the boat house and placed him on the ground. I picked up the bag and got out a pair of handcuffs. I handcuffed him to a pole and got out the chains. I went back over to Liam and saw his head down.

"Liam? You okay, buddy?" I asked, keeping my distance from him.

He slowly lifted his head and he was in full wolf form. I ran over to him and tied the chains around him.

"Go!" I heard Liam yell. His voice was deeper now, more scarier.

I walked backwards, but I wasn't leaving him. I looked at him and watched as he struggled against the chains.

"Liam! Liam, calm down!" I yelled, only to receive a glare from him. I took a step back, but I had to show him I wasn't afraid.

"Stiles, nothing is working." Lydia told me.

"Obviously!" I yelled and watched as he struggled more.

"Get out of here!" He yelled around. "Because if I get out. I'm going to kill you!" He yelled and broke out of the handcuffs.

I jumped back and grabbed onto Lydia. I looked around for the bag and found it next to Liam. I needed the bag for the, mountain ash.

I walked over to Liam, nice and slowly. I got to the bag and quickly snatched it, returning to Lydia.

"Why do you need that?" Lydia asked me.

"Mountain ash." I took out the jar of mountain ash and smashed it on the ground.

I watched as it filled the air and fell to the ground, filling in the gaps. I looked at Lydia and smiled. The plan was working so far, but that could change any minutes.

"Alright, we should stand over there." I told Lydia, pointing to a tree.

"We did it." She smiled and laughed a little. "We actually did it." She came over to me and hugged me.

"I wouldn't be so sure." I looked through the window and saw Liam. He just sat there, watching me.

"Don't be like that." She playfully hit my arm.

I smiled and looked down at her. She smiled and I forced a smile her way.

"Where is he?" I whispered.

Always you ~ StaliaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora