Another guy?~ 75

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I woke up, feeling a slight chill on my shoulder. When I fell asleep, the blanket must of fallen off it. I lifted up my head, revealing the wet patch from my tears.

"Hey, breakfast is here." I heard Melissa say, as she entered the door. "We've got bacon and eggs or jam on toast."

"Not hungry." I told her, not turning around to face her. "Just tired." I lied, hoping that would make her leave.

"Stiles, you have to eat something. Just have a slice of bread at least. You need to get your strength back up, so you can get out of this place." She told me, trying to convince me to eat.

I didn't say anything, I just lied there ignoring her. I waited for her to leave, but she just stood over me, waiting for me to eat something. I closed my eyes, trying to think about something else, so I could fall asleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about Malia and Melissa watching over me.

"Fine, I'll have one slice of bread. That's all." I told her, making her clap her hands from excitement. "Do you when my dad's coming in to see me?" I asked her, upset that he still hasn't been in here yet.

"He's been busy trying to find the desert wolf, but because he doesn't know who or what she looks like, it's been hard for him. He hasn't left his office for days, and he's getting barely any sleep. A lot of people are worried about him, but he only cares about finding your shooter." She told me, making me regret not telling my dad about the whole supernatural thing.

When I'm out of here and all this drama passes, I think I'm going to tell him everything. I don't know if I'll tell him about Scott and the others, but if I'm allowed to, then I will. He deserves to know and at least this way, he'll be able to solve a lot of unsolved cases.

"Can I borrow your phone?" I asked her, staring at the piece of bread in-front of me.

She reached into her back pocket, retrieving her phone and handing it to me. I unlocked it and dialled in my dad's number, getting excited to hear his voice after what felt like forever.

"Melissa, is everything alright? Is Stiles okay?" He asked, thinking I was Melissa. The worried tone in his voice, made me want to cry.

"It's me, Dad." I said, my voice coming out shakier then I expected. "When are you coming to visit? I haven't seen you in days and it gets quiet around here." I told him, waiting for him to reply.

"I thought something happened." He told me, making me slightly laugh. "I'll be there in ten minutes, okay." He told me, hanging up the phone.

I handed her phone and started shaking my head. I kept replaying the fight I had with Malia and how she broke up with me. I'm not surprised that she did, but I didn't expect her to. I know that her reasons were good and I don't blame her, but I miss her. I really do miss her.

"What's wrong? Has it got to do with Malia, because when she left here yesterday, she was also about to cry. Did you guys break up?" As soon as Melissa said it out loud, I just lost it.

I couldn't hold back the tears and the pain I was in. I was in pain for so many reasons, but this one hurt the most. Every time I tried to breath, my heart would just ache and it felt like I was trapped. I felt like I couldn't breath and if I tried to breath, it would hurt my stomach and my heart.

I nodded to answer Melissa's question, because at the moment I couldn't even piece together two words. It hurt me more then I thought it would, and at this moment I realised something. I've known for ages that I loved Malia, but at this moment I only just realised how much I loved her. She makes me happy and without her, I see no point in smiling and laughing.

"I know it sucks, but she's under a lot of pressure. She told Scott that the desert wolf was her mother and she hasn't stopped trying to find her. Once all this passes over, I'm sure everything will go back to normal." She told me, tucking in my blanket, so it didn't fall off me.

"You don't know the full story though. I've ruined everything and I don't expect her to forgive me." I told Melissa, knowing that Malia and I weren't going to get back together

"You will." She smiled and left the room.

I reached over to my bedside table and grabbed my phone. I had a missed call from Scott, from an hour ago. I wanted to call him, but I wasn't up for having a chat. I unlocked my phone and texted him instead, just to let him know I was all good.

To: Scott
Hey, sorry I didn't reply I was asleep. Just woke up, but still pretty tired, so I'll call you later. Also, heard Malia told you that the desert wolf's her mom.

Apart of me wanted to call Malia and tell her that I was proud of her, but I doubt she'd pick up her phone. I don't even think she'll talk to me for awhile and I can't deal with that. I need to her to know that I'm proud and still care about her. I don't care if she rejects my call, just as long as she knows I tried.

I went into my contacts and found her name, clicking on it and looking at her profile picture. It was a photo of her sleeping, next to me when we went camping. It feels like forever ago when that happened. Back to when we were all happy and had nothing to worry about, only keeping up with school. If only everything could go back to that.

On the third ring, it stopped ringing. I expected it to go to her voice mail, but it was just dead silent. She picked up, but she hasn't said anything yet.

"Malia?" I asked, worried that maybe someone else had her phone because something bad happened.

"Yea." She whispered, her voice sounding like she had been crying. "Is everything okay?" She asked me.

"Yea, I just wanted to call and say that I'm proud of what you did. How you told Scott and the others, that you're the desert wolf's daughter. It would of taken a lot of guts, and I'm happy you did it." I told her, smiling at the thought of her telling them.

"Who's on the phone?" I heard someone in the background and my heart dropped to my stomach.

Malia wasn't alone and the voice in the background was a male. Has she already moved on from us?

"Thanks, it was hard at first." She told me, her voice suddenly stiffening. "I'll talk to you later, Stiles." And then, she hung up.

I wanted to call her back and ask who was in the background, but I couldn't find the courage to call back. I didn't want to find out the truth over the phone, so as soon as I'm out of here, I'll go and talk to her.

I locked my phone, sitting it on the bench next to me, waiting for someone to call or text me. I didn't like being in here by myself, being in the dead silence. I normally have to have some sort of noise and have people around me. It's been weird, not having anyone to talk to for two days. The only people I've spoken to is, Melissa whenever she comes and checks up on me, my dad when I spoke to him before and Malia, when she came here to check on me and also break up with me.

I just wanted to get out of this place, so I can interact with people again. It's different not having people around to make me smile and laugh. It's a feeling I hope I don't have to feel again. It's a lonely, dark feeling that makes you just want to cry.

"Stiles." I heard my dad's voice. "You scared me, I didn't know if you were going to wake up!" He yelled, running over to my bed and hugging me.

I wanted to push him off, as he was hurting my stomach, but I couldn't. I haven't felt this happy in days, so it was good to smile again.

"I missed you." I told him, letting him know that I thought about him. "I didn't think you were going to come and visit me."

"I know I should've been here, but I've been busy. I've been trying to find the person who did this to you, so that's why I haven't been here." He explained to me, shaking his head. "I'm sorry I wasn't here. You needed me and I wasn't there for you."

"Dad, it's okay. I understand why you weren't here." I smiled, and tapped the spare space on my bed. "I need to tell you a lot." I sighed, getting ready to tell him almost everything.

Lol, sorry about this chapter and the last chapter 😂

Always you ~ StaliaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя