Have to~ 91

213 10 5

Stiles' POV:
Even though I couldn't keep up with Malia, I tired my best. She was in front of me by a mile, but I could still vaguely see her in the distance. I held my bat in my hand, tightly getting ready to hit anything that got in my way.

I looked up ahead and saw a collapsed tree, blocking my way. I rolled my eyes and kept running, getting ready to jump over the tree. I readjust my backpack and made sure it wouldn't fall off my shoulders when I jumped.

"Here we go." I whispered, placing one hand on the tree and the other, holding my left backpack strap.

I pushed myself off the ground, successfully jumping over the tree. Once my feet were back on the ground, I looked up and smiled. I finally did something right, without making a scene or getting injured.

"I'm coming." I whispered, gripping my bat and running after Malia.

I looked ahead and couldn't see Malia at all anymore, so I started running again to catch up with her. I looked at the ground quickly, making sure I didn't trip over anything. It was still pretty far away, but I could see another collapsed tree.

I suddenly got an aching pain in my foot, and realised I kicked a rock. The rock wasn't small, but it wasn't massive. From what I could tell, it was big enough to trip me over.

"Ow, crap!" I yelled, pushing myself up and dusting off my hands and knees. "Where'd you come from?" I asked the rock, kicking it.

I slowly stood up, picking up my bat and looking at my bag. Something was different and I couldn't tell what it was. The front of it was unzipped, but I don't know why. I watched as Malia zipped it back up, so someone else has been through my bag. The claws were still in there, so that's all that matters.

"Stiles, you forgetting something?" I heard a voice I didn't recognise. "What happens if they call you and warn you to turn around?"

"What?" I asked her, confused by what she meant. "Who are you?"

"Bring bring, hello?" She asked, laughing and finally stepping out of the shadows.

I looked in her hands and saw my phone, confused as to how she got it. I still couldn't see her face, but I can tell she's young.

"What do you want?" I asked her, hoping she would reveal who she was.

"I want to kill you, so you can't help the others. I thought you were meant to be smart." She laughed, taking a step closer to me. "I don't know if you'll remember me, Stiles. I mean, it has been awhile."

Once she stepped out underneath the moonlight, I couldn't find any words. I didn't know to say, so I just stood there. It can't be her, it's not possible. She's dead and she can't just come back to life. It's not possible.

"What happened to you?" I asked, my eyes filling up with tears. "You're meant to be dead. You can't just magically come back to life. It's not how the balance of nature works" I told her, taking a couple steps closer to her.

"When you make a deal with the devil, it's funny what's possible and what isn't." She told me, dropping my phone on the ground and flashing her eyes yellow.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, swinging my bat and hitting her in the back of the head. "I need to go and save my friends."

I turned around and continued to run, trying to clear my mind before I got to the others. What just happened can't be possible and I know it isn't. The desert wolf is playing tricks on us and she's trying to make us vulnerable. I shook my head, trying to control my thoughts.

I took a deep breath in and push aside the tree branches, revealing everyone. I could see Lydia and Kira over by a rock, with Kira's blood all over the both of them. I wanted to go and find Malia, but I know she's safe. She has Scott, Derek and Liam and they'll protect her. She'll be fine as long as she has the others.

"Lydia!" I yelled, running over to them and dropping my bag. "I have some first aid equipment in my bag, it should help heal her." I told them, grabbing out the box and handing it to Lydia.

"You need to go give those to, Malia. Things aren't looking good and I can already tell someone is going to die. More then one person is." She looked at me with her puffy red eyes, shaking her head.

"Don't worry, we're all going to be fine. Scott has this under control." I told her, giving her a quick hug before I left. "I'll be right back."

"Make sure you do." She smiled and turned her attention back onto Kira.

"I will." I whispered, turning around and running over to the others, trying to find somewhere to hide.

I looked around, trying to find a roc or tree to hide behind, but thy were all to far away. I needed to get somewhere close to Malia, so I can give her the claws and keep an eye on her. I might not be as strong or fast as them, but I can still fight. I know I can.

I looked up and saw a tree on the hill, close enough to them. I quickly made my way there, making sure no one saw me run over there. I quickly put down my bag and grabbed out the jar, unscrewing the lid, grabbing out the claws.

"Malia." I whispered, watching as she got thrown to the ground. "Malia, over here. I need you here now." I whispered, waving around my arms.

She looked up at me and smiled, watching as I showed her the claws. She nodded her head and watched the Desert wolf, making sure she wasn't looking this way. Once she was safe, she quickly made her way here, hiding behind the tree as well.

"I got worried, it took you awhile." She looked at me, completely out of breath.

"I got distracted, I tripped over a rock." I told her, leaving out some of it. "Anyways, you need to make sure you stabbed them into her. You'll gain all of her power and be a lot more powerful then you are now, and it could be overpowering." I let her now, making sure she knew all the risks.

"I know." She smiled, grabbing my face and kissing my lips. "I'll be fine."

I nodded and closed my eyes, waiting for her to leave. I didn't want to watch this all go down, but I had to make sure all of them were safe. Even if I am just a human, I can still protect all of my friends.

I have to. 

I'm so sorry for not posting, but I've had stuff to deal with and I've been super busy. I have Monday and Tuesday off, so I'll be a lot more active now.

Thank you guys so much for 14K, it means so freaking much to mean xx Also, I've been getting a lot of DM's with questions people want to know, so if you want to ask a question, DM me and I'll answer them next chapter xx

Always you ~ StaliaWhere stories live. Discover now