Stronger~ 56

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Nogitsune's POV:
They fell for it, for all of it. For the Desert wolf and her distraction, they believed me that I was Stiles and they think I'm about to save Malia.

There's only 10 hours left and then the moon will be at it's greatest. And that's when I'll take over Stiles' body for good. I heard Lydia gasp when she saw Scott walking back to the car.

"Who was that?" She asked him, as soon as he opened his door.

"The desert wolf, I think." He whispered towards the end, getting into the car.

The door next to me opened and a puffed out Liam jumped in. From what I could tell, he's not use to running that much. I wasn't nervous, but now that they know what the Desert wolf looks like, they'll know that it's her attacking them and they'll be ready for her.

"Do you really think the Desert wolf would be that risky and show her face at this time of the day?" I asked them, trying to persuade them that it wasn't the Desert wolf.

"I think she wanted me to know it was her. I don't really know, and I agree. It's too risky for us to see her, so she's planning something." Scott said, furrowing his eyebrows and looking out his window.

Lydia still had blood on her forehead, but no one seemed to care. She was dabbing a wet tissue onto it and would wince when ever the tissue hit it.

"You, okay?" I asked her, looking at her head. "Oh, that's bad. We need to get you to a hospital." I told her, making sure Scott could also hear.

"Oh my god, Lydia! I'm so sorry, I completely forgot." Scott said, starting the car up again. "I'll take you to the hospital right now." He told her, smiling into the mirror, so she could see him.

"No, you can't." She told Scott, receiving confused glances from everyone. I wanted to tell her she had to, but she started talking before I could even open my mouth. "That's what she wants." She told them, her speech slowing down. "She wants us all to get distracted." She said and then he her closed.

"Lydia?" I said her name, trying to sound like a actually cared. "Lydia, wake up!" I yelled this time, shaking her.

"Scott, we need to go to the hospital now." Kira told him, and Scott nodded starting up the car again 

"Alright, I'll take her there and then you stay there, because if she's right, we need to get back to, Malia." Scott told Kira and I wasn't expecting it.

Normally when one of Scott's pack members get hurt or injured, he stays with them until he knows there okay. Especially with, Lydia. Almost like he couldn't live with himself if anything happened to her.

"Are you sure?" Kira asked him, grabbing his hand. "You can stay and we can go, you might be our alpha, but you're still human. You can be upset over this okay, and you can stay with her if you want." Kira informed him, looking into his eyes.

"Thank you Kira, but I'm fine. She'll be okay, and as long as you're there with her." He sent a soft smile her way and I needed to try and get him to stay there.

"Why don't we all stay? We have like another 10 hours and then Malia's dead. We have time." I smiled and touched Scott's shoulder, trying to comfort him.

I wasn't use to this and I didn't particularly like it. The only good thing about this, is the pain I'm causing everyone. It gives me more strength and if I'm taking over this body, I need as much strength as I can get.

"Okay, but once we know she's ok, we're leaving straight away." He looked over at, Kira and gave her a strange and unreadable look.

"That sounds good." I whispered loud enough for them to hear.

I looked at Liam and saw he had his earphones in and was listening to music. At first I thought maybe he was bored, or he was tired, but then I looked down at his hands. The full moon has even started yet, and he's already having problems controlling his shifts.

"Struggling?" I whispered into his ear, after taking out one of his headphones. "Does Scott know?" I asked him.

"No, and he's not going to find out, because I can control it. It just takes a lot more concentration." He told me, trying to sound confident, even though I could tell it was all a lie.

I just nodded and rolled my eyes. That's another weakness I can take an advantage of. From the beginning of this all, the Desert wolf and I have been working together and we make a pretty good team. I still don't know why we have to kill Malia, but it was something about taking her powers or something like that. I'm pretty sure that's not possible, but I guess anything is these days.

"We're nearly there." Scott told us, speeding up a bit.

"She'll be fine." Kira told him, smiling. "She'll be fine and so will Malia."

"Are you okay, Stiles?" Scott asked.

"Yea, we'll save Malia as soon as we find out that, Lydia is all good. We have plenty of time anyway." I smiled and tried to sound as convincing as possible.

"No, I mean after the crash." I kind of forgot about the crash, even though the car was dinted in the front and some steam was coming out of the car.

"Oh, yea I'm fine. Kind of hurt my wrist, but it's nothing." I told him, grabbing my wrist and holding it closer to me.

"We'll also book you into the hospital. Just incase." He smiled.

"No, seriously Scott, it's nothing." I told him. "See look, I'm fine." I told him as I moved around my wrist.

"Alright, but if it does hurt make sure you go to a doctor." He told me, sounding like he was my father.

I just nodded and put my thumb up. I don't understand how they can all put up with this. Them having to care about everyone, all the god damn time. I hate it and I hate pretending and I don't know how much longer I can do this for.

It's hard and it makes me tired, even though I'm not doing much.

"We're hear." Scott told us, pulling into the hospital. He got out of his seat and ran over to Lydia's car side and opened up the door, gently holding her in his arm and running her into the emergency care centre.

I just slowly got out, looking around and feeling myself growing stronger because of all the pain that was in the hospital.

"Come on, Stiles lets go!" Liam yelled as he ran after Scott.

I just rolled my eyes and started slightly jogging after them. Once I got inside, Scott, Kira, Lydia and Liam were already gone. I looked around and couldn't find them, so decided to take this as an opportunity to get stronger.

I walked pass all the rooms, feeding off all the pain, and allowing it to make me stronger. I could feel it making me stronger and pushing Stiles further back into his mind, making me have complete and total control over him.

"Stiles, over here." I heard his annoying, pesky voice.

"Coming Liam." I yelled back, clenching my jaw and resisting the urge to try and kill him.

All I have to do is wait until tonight, when the full moon is at its greatest, just like I will be. And then, I can kill them.

I can kill them all.

I'm back now, so I should be posting once or twice a day.
Also, do you guys like it when I write short or long chapters ??

Thank you guys for reading x I appreciate it.

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