Cured~ 57

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I entered the room, immediately regretting it. The room was small, and with everyone in it (including the nurse), making it was a tight squeeze.

"So you know this patient how?" The nurse asked us, flashing a light into Lydia's eyes.

"Good friends." Scott told her, watching as she tested Lydia. "Is she going to be okay?" Scott asked, walking over to, Lydia and holding her hand.

"Yea, she'll be fine. Give her twenty-four hours and she'll be allowed out." The nurse told us, relaxing everyone. "Go home if you want, get some rest and come back in the morning." She smiled and left the room.

"Alright well we'll go and you stay?" Scott asked Kira, looking into her arms.

"Yea, be safe though." She told him and then they kissed.

I had to look away from it, because that's not my type of thing, but from what I could tell they were kissing for awhile. Finally, once Scott or Kira pulled away, we started walking back to the car.

"Let's go save, Malia." Liam said, making me realise what I had to do.

I promised the desert wolf I would make sure, Malia didn't wake up until the moon was at it's fullest. I can't not cure her, or else they'll find out I'm not actually Stiles. I need to find a way to distract them and fast.

"Yo, you good Stiles?" Scott asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yea, I'm fine." I opened the car door and jumped in, thinking of way to distract them. Since the hospital is a bit further away from where they picked me up, that adds a bit of time. So, I have about forty-five minutes to think of a way to distract them.

"Let's go then." Scott said, turning up the radio.

"Yay!" Liam yelled from the back seat, throwing his arms in the air, as if there was something to celebrate.

I just rolled my eyes like I normally do, and closed my eyes. I was tired and bored of having to act like this. Like I actually care about all these people and what they feel, or if they die or survive. I'm over it all and I just want it to be all over.

1 hour later:
"Stiles, wake up we're here." I felt someone shaking me, trying to wake me up, but I didn't want to. "Stiles, come on! We are home!"

I slowly opened my eyes, looking around and seeing an unfamiliar house. I looked at the front door and saw Liam walking inside. I fell asleep and I couldn't distract them. I have to think of one now and it has to be good.

"Alright I'm coming." I said through a yawn. "Malia, inside?" I asked him, trying to sound worried.

"Yea." He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me. "Is everything ok?" He asked me.

"Yea, I'm just nervous. You know, since I haven't seen her for what, nearly a week. And considering the last time she saw me, I was void and I stabbed her in the neck, with the poison that made her like this. So, apart from that, yea I'm fine." I told him, trying to sound worried and look worried.

"Yea, I understand. It's going to be alright. I'll give you a minute." He told me, closing his car door and walking inside, leaving me alone.

This was my chance, I opened my door quietly, just in-case they were listening to me with their were-wolf super hearing and could hear me trying to escape. I didn't bother closing it, because I know for a fact you don't need to be a were-wolf to hear a car door close. So, instead I left it opened and started running. I ran down the street and went to turn, but someone grabbed me. I turned around and saw someone, I didn't recognise.

"What the hell man, get off me!" I yelled, pushing his hands off me.

"Stiles, where are you going? Scott's house is up here and you need to save, Malia." He told me, his voice deep and kind of scary.

"I know, I just needed to clear my head." I looked to the ground and inhaled deeply. "Just with everything that's going on, it's been hard."

"Yea, save the sad story. You can go for a run when you help, Malia. So hurry and run back, before I drag you back." He told me, without breaking eye contact and keeping the same facial expression.

"Okay, and I'm going back." I told him, still not knowing who he was.

I started jogging back to Scott's hoping he would go the other way, but he started following me. I had no other choice, so I had to go back to, Scott's. When I got to his front door, I went inside and went into the living room, where Scott, Liam, Malia, the strange creepy, scary man, and a couple of others I wasn't familiar with.

"Let's do this." Scott said, waiting for me to give her the cure.

I just stood there, hoping for a miracle to happen, like a fire starting in the kitchen, so we would all have to run out of the house and then I could keep running. But of course, nothing happened. I just stood there, looking at people and watching as they all stared back.

"Hurry up, Stiles!" The man from before yelled at me, making me realised what I've done. I've brought them all here and now they're all going to find out any minute now. Unless I do something I don't want to do.

"Derek, shut up." Scott told the man, who was now Derek. "Come on, Stiles it's going to be fine." Scott told me, trying to make me feel better, even though it didn't.

If I cure her, then I don't know what's going to happen to me. I don't know what the desert wolf will do to me. I don't know if they already know I'm not Stiles and as soon as I cure Malia, they're just going to kill me. I don't know what's going to happen and for the first, in a long time, I've felt something I wish I didn't have to feel.

Fear. I was scared and afraid of what was going to happen. So, I was going to risk it all. I just stood there and shook my head.

"It's not him." Liam said, looking at Scott. "It's not Stiles. It's the nogitsune." He said, in-front of everyone and I had to prove it wasn't me.

"No, it's not." Scott told him, standing up for me. "It's not the nogitsune, I would know. Tell them, Stiles." He said, putting all the pressure and attention back onto me.

"No, it's me." I chocked, finally letting people know that it was Stiles, and not the nogitsune, even though it was.

"Then cure her! Cure your girlfriend!" Derek yelled at me, even though I just told him it was Stiles. It either he doesn't like Stiles, or he has some serious temper issues.

"Okay!" I yelled back, finally giving them what they want.

I walked over to Malia and pulled out the cure. I took a deep breath in and stabbed the needle into her neck. I pushed down and watched as the syrup entered her bloodline, curing her body and slowly waking her up.

"There happy." I looked at Derek, once I pulled out the needle. "It should take about five minutes to fully work." I told them, setting the needle down on a bench.

"Or not." Liam said, pointing to Malia.

I turn around and saw her. She was slowly sitting up, rubbing her neck, where I injected the needle.

"Malia?" I whispered, my eyes becoming watery, just to try and convince everyone it was Stiles. I started waking over to her, but stopped when her eyes glowed blue.

"Get away from me!" She yelled, her voice deep and when she spoke, it sounded more like a growl.

"Malia, it's me. It's Stiles." I told her, walking towards her slowly.

"I don't know who you are, so you better stay away from me!" Her eyes were still blue, but she didn't sound like she was growling anymore.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked, trying to sound as if I was about to cry, even though I didn't care what was wrong with her.

"She's lost her memory."

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