Epilogue~ 100

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Stiles' POV:
Seven years later:
Seven years it's been since Malia and I met, and it's been the best seven years of my life. Ever since we graduate and all moved on with our lives, Malia and I decided we should also move on with our lives. We thought about it a lot and we decided that the best way to move on, was to move completely.

We still live close to Beacon Hills, but far enough to have a normal life. That's something I thought I would never be able to say, but I can. I can finally say I have a normal life and it's the best thing ever. Scott still lives in Beacon hills, along with Allison and Lydia. They couldn't move away from their hometown, but it was mainly because of their jobs.

Scott took over Deaton's job and he's doing amazing at it, Allison became a nurse at the hospital and Lydia became a teacher at the high school. We all keep in touch and visit each other every month, but it seems so different and I'm okay with that, because it still works.

We haven't fallen out of contact and we still see each other and speak regularly, so it's almost like we never left Beacon Hills. I don't really miss it there, but sometimes I feel a little home sick. I mean, I have lived there my whole life so at first it was a little difficult to get use to.

Allison and Scott got married and they have two kids, a little Boy and a little girl, and they look exactly like their parents. Kira is still off with the skinwalkers, but from what her mother told us, she's gaining control. Lydia and Parrish are engaged and have a little boy, and they're expecting another boy in October. Liam and Theo moved somewhere half way across the world, and they seem happier then ever. They still don't have any kids, but they are still extremely young.

As for Malia and I, we have the perfect life. We got married in July and it was beautiful, we had all our friends and family so it wasn't too crowded. We also found out who Malia's real father was, and it was Peter, so he was also there for the wedding. She had her real father and her adoptive father walk her down the aisle, because she didn't know which one to choose, so we just had them both do it.

We brought a house right next to the beach, so everyday is like waking up in paradise. And the best part is, just around the corner is our main shopping centre. We have all our clothes shops, our food shops, pet shops and pretty much anything else you could really think of.

Malia works at a juice bar, just down the road from us and she absolutely loves it. The only thing she doesn't enjoy is having to talk to people all day, but she's getting better at it. She also works part time at the vets, just by helping out with animals that need to be adopted. She makes sure they go to good homes, and she really enjoys that.

Luka is going really good. Malia loved him to bits and every since she got him, she's never left him behind. He comes with us on all of our holidays, even if they're just for a night. She's always outside with him and she makes sure that he's always fed, brush, bathed and makes sure he goes for a half an hour walk a day. She treats him like a prince.

As for me. I work at the police station and I'm about to become the Sherriff there, just like my dad. Ever since I was a little kid, that's all I wanted and know I've achieved my goal. I work there during the days, but only on weekdays and have the weekends off.

"Daddy, come on!" I turned around and looked down at, Maddison. "Mummy isn't going to wait much longer!" She yelled, running outside and into the car.

I smiled and picked up the bags, taking them to the front door step and locking the door behind me.

"We're going to be late!" Malia yelled, laughing as she ran up to me and grabbed the bags.

"Well, that's not my fault." I laughed, looking into the car and smiling at Max.

"Of course it's not." She told me, placing the bags into the back and walking up to me. "Move you butt." She smiled, getting up on her tippy toes and placing a kiss on my lips.

I smiled and she tapped my butt as I walked passed her. I looked into the car as I watched Max, Maddison and Aria pull a disgusted face.

I closed the back of the car and ran to the drivers side, getting in and starting up the car. I checked the time and saw that we were about twenty minutes off scheduled, but we'd still make it before anyone else got there.

Today was the day that we would met up with everyone, so we were all excited. And by we, I don't just mean Malia, Luka and I. I also mean my three children, that make this whole family better.

There's Max and he was our first born, and he's turning five this year, and he also turned out like his mother. He's a werecoyote. There's then Maddison and she just turned four almost two months ago, and she turned out like me. The human and I already know, she's going to save her brothers ass more than once. And then there's my baby Aria and she's about to turn two, this November. So far, we don't know what she is. If she's human or werecoyote, but we normally find out when they're about three.

They all look so similar, but you can defiantly tell which one looks like me and which one looks like Malia. Max looks the exact same as Malia, but he has my nose. Maddison looks the exact same as me, but some how she has blue eyes and I don't know how that happened. And Aria looks like both Malia and I, but a tiny bit more Malia.

"Lets do this!" I yelled, turning up the music and pulling out of our drive way.

"Lets go to the beach!" Maddison yelled, throwing her hands up into the air.

"I just want to see Jessie." Max told us, looking out his window and laughing. Jesse was Scott and Allison's son and he was three months younger than Max.

I smiled and looked at my Malia, looking into the eyes that I feel in love with. Who knew that we would turn out like this, especially with everything we've been through. I looked back onto the road and just thought about everything that has happen to me. To us.

And one day when our kids protect their hometown, they'll also be survivors. They'll be strong and even when they think they have nothing left, they keep going, keep fighting for their safety and to save their town. Just like they're parents.

Always you ~ StaliaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat