It's not her~ 32

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I woke up and looked around. I saw people surrounding me, but I couldn't see there faces, through my blurred vision.

"That's the second time today, Stiles." I heard Scott laugh.

I looked around and I could see properly again. I saw Scott, Kira, Lydia and Parrish, surrounding me in a circle. I slowly sat up and touched where my head was throbbing. I felt something damp and I was to scared to check what it was.

"What happened?" I asked, finally finding the courage to look at the substance. It was blood.

"She was here." Lydia whispered and looked at Scott. "And she attacked you guys, but mostly everyone is okay." She bit the bottom of her lip.

I saw as her eyes started to water, but no tears fell. I looked at everyone else and then I realised someone was missing.

"Where's Malia?" I croaked out. "And what do you mean, 'mostly everyone is okay?" I asked, my eyes also starting to water.

"Stiles, she took her." Scott whispered, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I felt my heart stop beating and everything started to spin. My vision was blurring from the tears in my eyes. I didn't want to cry, but I couldn't help it. I felt the hot tears streaming down my face.

"No! No, where is she!" I yelled, standing up and regaining my balance. "She's not gone!" I yelled again.

"Stiles." I heard Scott's soothing voice.

"No, don't come near me. Where is she!" I yelled, the tears wouldn't stop flowing.

"We're going to find her." Lydia spoke up, placing a hand on my shoulder. "She's going to be fine, okay?" Her voice calmed me down a bit, but everything was still spinning.

"I've filed a missing person report. We have the whole Sheriffs station looking for her." Parrish told us all.

"This isn't real." My breathing got heavier and heavier. "This can't be real. She's isn't gone." I looked around, hoping I would find her.

"Stiles, take slow breaths." Kira softly smiled and it reminded me of Malia. It also reminded me, I had to be strong for her.

I took some deep breaths and calmed myself down, but it wasn't easy. I looked at the others and gave them a look, showing them I had calmed down.

It was silent for a moment, when Parrish's phone went off. Everyone's attention went straight onto him.

"Hello?" He spoke in the phone. He was silent and then opened his mouth. "Are you serious?" He voice broke and he looked down to the ground. "Um, we'll be right there." He whispered towards the end.

I knew straight away, that it was bad news. I could tell by the broken look on his face.

"Scott, can I talk to you?" He flicked his head to the side, gesturing for them to go over there.

"Sure." He spoke so quietly, I'm surprised anyone could hear him.

I stayed where I was, even though I wanted to run over there and listed in. Scott expression said it all though. His eyes were watering and his smiled dropped straight into a frown. I felt a lump form in the back of my throat and there was a stinging pain in my chest.

"Stiles." Scott's voice brought him back to reality. "They found a body and it fits Malia's description."

"No." My voice was shaky and I felt myself fall to the ground. "It's not her! It's not her!" I yelled, punching the ground with my fist.

"Stiles!" Scott yelled, grabbing my hand before I could hit the ground again. "Stiles, we need to go see." His soft voice made me even sadder.

"I don't want to see my girlfriend dead!" I yelled and realised what I just said. I could her my girlfriend.

That was the first time I called her my girlfriend and she wasn't even here to hear me.

"I don't want to find her dead, okay?" I whispered and put my head on the ground. I let the hot, salty tears stream down my cheeks.

"I understand that, Stiles. I do, can you remember what I had to do with Allison? I watched her die and I cou-couldn't do anything for her." His voice broke and I looked up into my friends sad eyes. "I couldn't help her and that's the worst feeling in the world. The least you could do is help them, find her. To go and see if it is her, but I know it's not."

"What if it is Scott? What if it is her?" I whispered and I could practically see her dead body, in my arms.

"It won't be." He whispered and stood up.

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