New plan~ 68

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I lied there, listening to her breath in and out. I looked at her, soft face and smiled. She was mine and everyone knew. I actually fell in love with someone who is beyond perfect.

"Stiles, we've thought of a new plan, but we need to make sure you guys are cool with it." Scott told me, standing outside my bedroom door. "Can you come down soon?"

"Yea, give me five minutes and I'll be there." I told him, giving Malia a couple more minutes to sleep.

"See you soon." He smiled and left us alone again.

I didn't want to wake her because she looked so peaceful and happy. After what happened before, I just wanted Malia to sleep and rest up. From what I could from, she hadn't been sleeping probably and she's only been getting about, four hours of sleep a night.

"Malia." I whispered, slightly shaking her. "Mal, time to wake up." I shook her a bit harder, making sure I didn't scare her.

"I'm awake." She whispered with her eyes still closed. "What's the time?" She asked, slowly opening her eyes.

"It's nearly 11:30, so you've been asleep for an hour and a half." I told her, kissing her forehead before I got out of bed. "And by the way, they want us down there so we can go through the new plan." I told her, walking out the door and making my way downstairs.

"There he is, Mr sleepyhead." Isaac joked, playfully pushing me.

"I wasn't asleep, I was just there for Malia." I reassured him.

"So, you were the creepy dude, watching the pretty girl sleep? Well then, there he is, Mr creepyhead." He laughed at his own, making the others laugh except me.

"Good to see you and your scarf can think of jokes." I sarcastically smiled and shook my head. "And I wasn't watching her, I was making sure she didn't wake up and get scared or have a bad dream. I was just there so she could get some sleep."

"That's what they all say." Liam said, joining in on the joke.

"Is it gang up on Stiles day or something?" I asked them, confused as to why I was the target tonight.

"Well it's actually night, so it's gang up on Stiles night." Isaac told me, high-fiving Liam.

I just rolled my eyes and watched as Malia walked down the stairs. Even though she only got and hour and a half of sleep, she already looked a lot better. She had her long hair pulled back into a ponytail and she had wiped off her makeup, showing off her real beauty.

"You look beautiful." I told her, kissing her cheek and walking over to the others.

"So, what's the plan?" Malia asked the questioned I was also wondering.

"Okay, so Malia you're going to be the bait. As you said, the desert wolf wants you for something and we need to know what. So you're going to go into the woods, alone and wait for her to follow. As soon as she starts to follow you, run towards this part. Argent, Braeden and Parrish will be waiting there with weapons. Isaac you and Liam will stay here just in case things don't go as planned."

"What do you mean, 'if things don't go as planned?'" Malia interrupted Scott.

"If the desert wolf doesn't follow you, then Isaac and Liam will be here." Scott explained to her, making sure she understood. "Now, Derek and I will be waiting over by this exit, just in case she escapes Chris and Braeden. Over by this exit will be Stiles, Lydia and Malia. So as soon as you get to Chris, Braeden and Parrish, Malia, make sure you run towards Lydia and Stiles. Jackson and Ethan, you'll cover this exit, but also keep an eye out around this area." Scott told everyone, pointing to where they had to be.

"I understand, but quick question." I asked Scott, quickly interrupting him.

"Yea?" He said, waiting for my question.

"Do I get a gun?" I asked, intrigued to know what my weapon would be.

"Yes." He told me, furrowing his eyebrows. "And we don't know if she's working with anyone else, so keep an eye out for anything suspicious and don't trust anyone, only the people in the pack. Is everyone clear on there part?" Scott asked everyone, making sure they all knew what they had to do.

"Yes!" Almost everyone yelled.

"What do we do?" Mason spoke up for both him and Corey. "I mean, we aren't just going to stay around do nothing. We can fight." He told Scott, confused about why they weren't on the plan.

"You guys say here with Isaac and Liam. It's safer if we're in larger groups. That way we can surely out smart the desert wolf." Scott said, receiving a nod from everyone.

We might just be a bunch of teenagers in high school, failing most of our classes, but we are the reason Beacon hills is still standing. Without us, it would of been destroyed. We've protected it from so many thing and so many things to come, and it needs us to survive. We might look weak when we're alone, but when you put us together, that's when we are strong and dangerous.

That's when you're going to wish you ran instead of staying and fighting us. Because when we're together and think of a plan like this, it never fails. We always succeed, but not always on our first go. Sometimes it takes more than one try, sometimes even more than two. But in the end, we always find out a way to win.

No matter what we have to do. We protect Beacon hill and all the people in it, with our lives.

Always you ~ StaliaWhere stories live. Discover now