Trapped~ 40

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Lydia's POV:
He's gone crazy and he doesn't even know it. I know that that's not the Stiles we all knew. He's changed and not in the good way, the complete opposite of that.

"Stiles! Please, this isn't you and you know it!" I yelled, trying to get his attention.

I haven't seen him for about seven hours, but I know he's near me. I can feel it, the power that he has, it's strong. Maybe even to strong.

"The best part about this Lydia is, this is me." I heard his low, raspy voice echo through the room. "You know, you're little friend Scott? Yea, he's not doing to well."

"What? What do you mean, Stiles what did you do!" I yelled, grabbing the bars on the door and trying to break them.

"I might of injected him with a syrup that could possibly kill him. We just have to see how strong he is."

"No! No, Stiles this isn't you! You can fight this!" I screamed, kicking and pulling the metal bars.

That's when he laugh and it sent shivers all down my spine. That laugh was all to familiar and it still had the same effect on me.

"Now do you remember me?" He asked me, walking down the stairs and getting closer to me.

"Yes. You're the reason my best friends dead." I told him and tears started to form in my eyes. "How though? We killed you!" I yelled and stood there in shock.

"I never really left, Lydia. Ever since I possessed Stiles, there's always been a small part of me in him. Looks like he finally broke and let me back in." He smiled and took a step closer to the door.

"What did you do to Scott? Please just tell me!" I begged him and watched as he shook his head.

"You don't get it do you, Lydia?" I shook my head and looked him straight in his eyes. "I'm never going to tell you, because if you're friends ever do you find you, you'll just tell them." He laughed and walked straight up to the door.

I wanted to look away from his eyes, but it was like you were looking straight into his soul. It was dark, cold, terrifying, almost like a nightmare.

"Now, what will I do with you? You already know to much, but I can't kill you. I need you later on." He sighed and looked around.

"What do you mean, 'later on?'" I asked him, slightly scared of what he would answer with.

"Well, I need you for your abilities. You see you can predict death, kill people with your screams, predict bad things and so much more. I need you with me, so I know when something bad is going to happen." He smiled and looked me dead straight into my eyes.

"I wouldn't help you, you know that though? So why would I be any use to you?" I told him, making sure he knew where I stood.

"I never said you had a choice." He laughed and started to walk back up the stairs.

"What? What do you mean!" He never looked back, he just kept walking. "No, Stiles wait! What do you mean I don't have a choice! Stiles!" I yelled, banging and kicking the door. "No! Let me out of here! Stiles!" I screamed, trying to break down the door.

He returned. The one thing we thought we had gotten rid of for good. The one person we never wanted to bring back after what he did to us, to Allison.

Void Stiles was back and I don't think we'll be able to stop him this time. He's stronger, smarter, healthier.

And he's not working alone.

Always you ~ StaliaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora