Promise~ 31

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Once the fire was out, we all started to walk back up the hill. As easy as it sounds, it was actually quite difficult. Considering the hill was really tall and really steep.

"We can't do it." I finally spoke, after many failed attempts.

"We can, we have to. We need to tell Lydia and Parrish." Scott spoke, trying once more. And like all the other times, he failed.

"Come on, Scott. They'll find us eventually." Malia told him, sitting down on a rock. I smiled and sat down next to her.

"No, no we need to tell them. What if somethings happened to them!" Scott yelled, throwing his hands in the air. I wanted to tell him to calm down, but I thought I should let him cool down.

"Why do we need to tell them? What's so important about it?" Malia asked out of nowhere.

"Malia, not a good time." I said, my eyes wide. "I'll explain later, okay."

She rolled her eyes and stood up. "Whatever."

I couldn't help but laugh on the inside. I stood up and grabbed her hand, walking away with her.

"Malia, just remember." I whispered and kissed her forehead. "We always stick together and we don't leave people behind."

She looked at me with a confused expression. She just rolled her eyes and leaned her head against my chest.

"Why?" She asked and I couldn't help but smile. "Why can't we just leave them behind? They're only going to slow us down." She smiled and looked into my eyes.

And then that's when I noticed her eyes. They where a hazel colour, like mine. I smiled and kissed her soft forehead.

"Because we're stronger in numbers." I whispered and lied down, with her in my arms. "Just promise me one thing."

"Okay, what is it?" Her head shot up and she looked me in the eyes.

"You'll never leave me behind." I whispered.

"I promise." She sat up and placed a kiss on my lips. "I would never leave without you." She smiled softly and lied back down on my chest.

"Thank you, Malia." I whispered and looked into the stars.

"What did I d-" she went to finish her sentence, but we could hear Scott. He was growling, like he was fighting or in trouble.

Malia jumped up and ran over to the alpha. Me on the other hand, I just slightly jogged. My legs and ribs were still sore from the car crash.

I ran over to them and saw her again. The one lady that has been following us, all day and night. I saw Scott in his alpha formation, Kira with her Katana sword and Malia in her were-coyote formation.

"My bat." I whispered and ran to the car. Even though I was going through pain, I fought through it. I got to my car and grabbed my car keys, unlocking the jeep.

I reached in and cut my arm on a piece of glass. I cursed under my breath, but grabbed the bat from the back seat.

"Malia!" I heard both Scott and Kira yell out.

I whipped my head around and started sprinting back. I had my bat in my left hand, ready to swing it.

"Leave her alone!" I heard Kira yell. I got back to the others and saw something I wish I never saw.

Malia was on the ground, injured and badly beaten. She looked up and I looked into her soft, brown eyes. I wanted to do something, but I knew I wouldn't be able to do anything.

I knew I didn't have super healing, super speed or super power, but I always protect those I love. I had to help her some how.

"Please! Don't hurt her!" I yelled out, getting attention from everyone now.

I watched as the women started making her way towards me. I wanted to run, but I had nowhere to go. I would only run into the woods and get lost.

"Scott!" I yelled and she lifted her hands.

Claws? She has claws? I looked at her facial expressions and they looked familiar.

"Stiles run!" I heard Scott yell, but I just stood there and raised my bat.

"No!" I heard someone yell. I looked at the top of the hill and saw, Lydia. "Stiles, look out!" She yelled.

That's the last thing I remembered.

Always you ~ StaliaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum