Stage two~ 73

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Scott's POV:
"We need to fight! We need to kill her, we can't just let her go!" Malia yelled, throwing her hands all over the place. I could tell just by the tone of her voice, she was angry.

"We will, but we can't just go and find her. We need to think of a plan that she wouldn't expect us to do." I told her, making sure she knew why I wasn't going out there and trying to find the desert wolf.

She's been one step ahead of us this whole time and we've fallen straight into her trap. I thought we were going to out smart her, but she out smarted us. She let us think that we were in-front, but she's known our plan all along.

"What's wrong?" Kira asked me, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"She's been listening to us." I told Kira, finally realising why the desert wolf knew all our plans. "She's been using her wolf hearing or maybe she's put something on our phones or in our houses. She's been listening to us planning and now she knows all of our steps." I told her, running to my room to get some pen and paper.

I walked into my room, catching a scent. It was a scent I've never smelt before and I looked over to my window. It was opened, with blood on the edge of it.

"Kira!" I yelled, running out of my room and waiting for Kira. "Have you been in my room or seen anyone in my room?" I asked her, rushing over to her and making sure it wasn't her blood.

She looked unharmed, making my stiff body soften. I turned around, getting the feeling that someone was behind me, watching me.

"No I've been out with you this whole time, ask Liam or one of the others." She looked scared, so I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Okay, sorry I just thought maybe you might of seen someone. I just got a feeling someone was in my room." I told her, making sure I didn't sound to worried.

She smiled and walked away. Leaving me upstairs by myself again, confused as to who was in my room. I wanted to ask Liam if he'd seen anyone or anything, but I didn't want anyone to worry. Not when we need to worry about everything else.

Stiles' survival rate is low, even though we know that he's stronger than most people are. Braeden's in a life threatening coma, with Derek by her side. Malia wanted to go with Stiles, but she didn't want the desert wolf to get away with hurting Stiles, so now she wants revenge. Everyone's getting tired and annoyed with one another, and we don't know what to do anymore.

"Okay, I've got some paper and that's how we're going to do the new plan. I'll write it down and if you have any questions, you'll also have to write them down." I told everyone, handing them a piece of paper and pen.

"Why can't we just fight? It'll be easier that way and she won't expect us to do that." Malia asked, shrugging her shoulders and looking at everyone.

"Well now she will, because you just said it out loud!" Liam yelled at Malia, throwing his hands in the air. "Can we just wait for her to come to us, because I'm so tired and I don't think she's coming back any time soon."

"I understand that you're tired, but for all we know, the desert wolf could be running around killing people right now. Or she could even be killing her daughter and possibly regaining all of her powers again." I told them, making sure they all knew how much of a threat she was. "This isn't a fight anymore. This is a life or death situation."

"She isn't killing her daughter, so we're fine. She isn't getting stronger, so stop worrying about that." Malia told me, rolling her eyes.

I just shook my head, writing down the new plan. Once I showed everyone, they all just looked shocked and confused. I smiled, making them all look at each other and smiling. I looked down at the piece of paper and saw what I wrote.

We fight. She won't expect us to fight anymore and we will win.

I don't normally agree with fighting, but we need to. Like I said, this is now a life and death situation and I'm not going to let anyone else die tonight. Or tomorrow night, not because of the desert wolf because we're going to kill her tonight. No matter what it takes.

"But Malia, how do you know she hasn't already found her daughter? I mean, she doesn't seem stronger but she might be." Lydia asked the question I'm sure we all wanted to know.

"Because, I know enough about her to know she hasn't killed her daughter." Malia answered, seeming slightly annoyed.

"You know as much as we do, don't you?" Kira asked, shocked at Malia's answer.

She just shook her head, walking out of the kitchen and going out the back. I wanted to follow her, but I also wanted to give her some space. She's been through just as much as us and she also seems stressed and upset, by what happened to Stiles. I didn't want to harass her and make her feel like she has to tell me. When she's ready, I'm sure she'll tell us.

"Just leave her, let her cool down." I told Kira, as she was about to run after her. "She'll tell us soon enough. Now, let's get ready." I told them, looking at everyone as they started to get ready.

I stood there, remembering Lydia's vision and started smiling. It's not going to come true, but doesn't mean that this plan is going to work. When Lydia had her vision, Stiles was there and he's not her anymore. This could work, but it might not.

"I need to tell you something." I heard Malia's voice from the backdoor. She stood there, tears in her eyes. "I know the desert wolf hasn't kill her daughter, because I know who her daughter is."

Everyone stood there, waiting for Malia to tell us. But just like everyone else, she also stood there and waited for some else to say something. She looked at us and shook her head, taking a deep breath in and blinking away the tears.

"Who is it? Who's the desert wolf's daughter?" I asked her, softening my voice so she didn't think I was demanding a name.

"I'm the desert wolf's daughter." She told us, leaving us all speechless.

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