Psycho~ 94

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Malia's POV:
One week later:
Ever since that night, I can still feel myself getting stronger each day. I've gotten faster and all my abilities have gotten stronger. I can hear better, smell from further away, I can see from a longer distance. The only side effect is, the animal side in me has come out.

I always have the urge to kill or run around in the woods at 2 in the morning. I still haven't told Stiles, because I'm scared of how he'll react. I know he'll help me out and give me advice, but I'm scared he'll judge me and fear me.

"What are you still up?" I heard a raspy voice beside me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Can't sleep." I told him, not turning to face him.

"What do you mean? What's on your mind?" He asked me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Nothing, it's just coyotes are nocturnal." I ran my finger in a circular motion, around his hand. "Ever since I took my mothers power, I've changed. I've turned more coyote then I was before."

He didn't say anything, he just pulled me in closer and kiss the back my neck, making me feel calm. He didn't have to say anything, because I already what he was thinking. He's known the whole time, but he hasn't said anything. He's noticed the change in me, but he's still treated me the same.

"Why haven't you asked? or at least said anything." I finally faced him, furrowing my eyebrows. "Haven't you been curious or worried that I might've done something bad?"

"No, I trust you. I know you would tell me if something bad happened, so that's why I haven't asked. I know that if something is wrong, that you will tell me. And I have been curious, so tell me, what's changed?" He asked me, resting his head in my shoulder.

"Everything has. I've gotten stronger and everyday I can feel myself getting stronger. I can do things I couldn't before and it scaring. I'm turning more animal everyday, more dangerous." I explained to him, running my fingers through my fingers through his hair. "And when I get anxious or angry, I can't control it."

"You have me, so I'll help you. I'll always been here for you and as long as I'm here, you have an anchor. You have someone here to help you stay human. You have me." H I whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

I smiled and just closed my eyes, trying not to think of everything that was coming up. Our final exams, graduation, college, my future. In less then a month, I'm graduating from high school and that terrifies me. I don't know what I'm going to do when I graduate and if I'm even going to college. I know Stiles and my Dad want me to, but I don't know if I want to.

My eyes shot opened and I looked at Stiles, confused about what I was thinking about. Out of nowhere, I started think about who my real dad is. I know who my mother is and she was a psycho, so maybe I can be like my dad. Maybe he's the opposite from my mother and that's why they split up.

"I think I want to find out who my real dad is. I might have an idea of where to start, but I'm not sure if I'm right." I told him, turning on the light beside me.

"Can we talk about this tomorrow? I have a math exam in the morning, and I don't want to be tired." He told me, digging his face into my side.

"This is important! I might know who my real dad is and I also have a maths exam with you, so we can fail together!" I smiled, trying to change his mind about helping me now.

"I'm going to kill you, but luckily I love you too much." He rolled his eyes, sitting up and running his hands though his bed hair.

I stood up and went over to his crime-board and started drawing lines, so I could show him all the possible people that could be my father. I started off with my adoptive father, writing down all the reasons as to why he could be my real father. I then went onto, Derek Hale. I don't think he's my father, but it's just something he said to me once. He told me that my eyes were blue, just like everyone in his family and that I could be apart of it.

"Wait, Mal." Stiles said, walking over to me and laughing. "Derek can't be your father, he's only a couple years older then us."

"That's why you read the reason." I sighed, pointing to the reason. "And then the last option, he's also dead and I should just give up."

I waited for Stiles to say something, but he just stared at the board. He didn't say anything or do anything, he just stared and shook his head.

"Derek doesn't have any relatives left. They all died in the fire." He tried to lie to me, obviously forgetting I was a were-coyote.

"Your heart skipped a beat. Why did you lie to me?" I asked him, trying to ignore the fact that he just lied to my face.

"Because if I think it's who I'm thinking of, I'm going to pray for you." He bit the bottom of his lip and stood next to me, tapping the end of the pen against his chin.

"Why would you pray for me? Is the person you're think of bad?" I asked him, hoping I wouldn't get a bad response.

"You can remembered how I was telling you about Scott's alpha. How he went around and killed everyone, including his own niece." He asked me, taking a deep breath in. "That was Peter Hale."

If he was my father, then I get why Stiles would pray for me. My mother wanted me and all my friends dead, just so she could get power and my dad wanted everyone dead, so he could get revenge. So pretty much, everyone in my family is a murderer. My mother and father, are both psycho and if I turn out like any of them, I'll also be a psycho.

"I want to talk to him. I want to at least know if he's my real father. I deserve to know that right?" I asked him, rubbing off all the names.

"Yea, you do." He whispered, placing a kiss on my forehead. "Now come back to bed and sleep. We have to get up early."

"Alright." I whispered, looking out the window and watching as the clouds covered the moon.

The full moon was in two days and I could already feel it. I'm in more control this time, but I'm a lot stronger then last time. As long as I have Stiles with me, I should be fine and as long as no one gets on my nerves.

"Come on, Mal." He whispered again, patting the spot next to him.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, walking over to his bed and climbing under the covers. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, trying to put aside all my thoughts.

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