He's coming to us~ 49

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"He wanted us all here, so we could get distracted by Lydia and give him time to plan his next move." I informed the pack and waited for them to respond.

"Why does he need us all here? What's his next plan going to be?" Liam asked, causing a slight discussion between everyone.

"Maybe we just need to think like him." Mason suggested.

"Like a raging psychopath who feeds of chaos, strive and pain? Yea, that shouldn't be to hard." Kira said sarcastically, getting annoyed with everything everyone was saying.

"It's going to be okay." I grabbed her arm and pulled her into my chest. "Mason that is a good idea though. We've faced the nogitsune before, so we know how he thinks. We just have to think out of the box."

Everyone went silent for a moment, but then Liam spoke up.

"Unless this is also part of his plan." He said, getting a confused expression from everyone, including me.

"What do you mean?" Kira asked, asking the question everyone wanted to ask.

"Unless he want us to think like him, giving him even more time to plan. Maybe he's not the one we should be thinking like." He said, a small smile spreading across his face. "Maybe we need to think like, Stiles."

As soon as he said that, everyone instantly agreed. He's playing with us and one wrong move, even the smallest one, could possibly ruin everything. It could be the death of Malia or the reason we never find out what happened to, Lydia.

And then i started to think about what Liam said even more. We need to start thinking like the nogitsune, so we don't ruin everything. So, maybe that's all just another trick. Maybe he wants us to think he's playing tricks on us, when he really isn't.

"What happens if he wants us to think like, Stiles?" I spoke up. "What happens if it's all a trick. Maybe he's not even playing any tricks on us. We need to think smart about this." I said, bring us back to square one.

"What happens if we spilt up?" Mason suggest, speaking up and putting another thought into our minds. "Like what if half of us think like Stiles and the other half think like the nogitsune? It could work, couldn't it?"

"Isn't it a bit risky?" We heard a voice come from the living room and all of our eyes shot open.

"Lydia?" Kira said, her voice shaking slightly. "Oh my god, you're awake!" She yelled, her voice going slightly higher towards the end.

She ran into the living room and embraced her in a hug, looking like she never wanted to let go. When Kira finally let go, she wiped away a single tear that ran down her face.

"I'm ok." Lydia said, putting a smile on her face and everyone else. "Where is he?" She asked, looking around the room.

"Where's who?" Kira asked.

"Stiles. He said he would be here when I wake up."

And then I realised what was happening. He wanted us to all stay here, because he was coming to us.

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