Shock return~ 61

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Scott's POV:
"Stiles. He's actually came back." I heard Malia yell from outside.

I ran to the front door, looking at Malia and watched as she stood there, staring at Stiles. I took a deep breath out when I saw him walking towards us, smiling and holding his hands up, as if to surrender, but in this case I knew he was telling us it was really him.

"Stiles!" I yelled, running outside and waiting for him to walk across the road. "Is it you?" I asked him, even though if it was the nogitsune he would still say yes.

"Yea. It's really me." He smiled and walked over to me, embracing me in a hug and I didn't want to let go.

I haven't seen Stiles in what felt like forever and I missed him. He's apart of the pack, but he's also my best friend.

"I missed you." I smiled and playfully pushed him. "It's been quiet without your sarcastic comments." I smiled and made us both laugh.

"Well, it's good to be back." He smiled and looked at Malia. "Hey, Malia." He whispered, walking over to her.

"No, you just left me in there! How do we even know if it's actually Stiles?" She yelled at him, nearly growling.

"Let me touch you. If I am the nogitsune, you'll get those memories back. But if it's me, Stiles, you'll get the memories of us back. Trust me, okay." He smiled and waited for Malia to respond.

She just nodded and gave him her hand, so he could touch it. Once he did, she gasped and looked at him, smiling like I've never seen her smile before.

"Your home!" She yelled, jumping into his arms. Stiles push his lips onto hers and I knew that was my cue to leave.

"I'm gonna go." I awkwardly said, turning around and running back inside. "Liam, don't go out there!" I yelled, warning him before he walked outside.

"Why? I wanna see Stiles." He told me, looking confused and somewhat angry. "We might not get along that well, but we're still friends, Scott. I want to say hi and make sure he's okay."

"And you can, but he's with Malia right now, and I don't think you want to go out there." I looked into his eyes and watched as he rolled them.

I closed the door and watched as Liam stood there, his back to me and I listened to his heart. It was speeding up, even though he was just standing there doing nothing.

"It's the full moon isn't it?" I asked him, watching as he slowly turned around.

"I'm not sure." He told me, looking to the ground. "Normally I can control it, but this time it's different. Like I don't have control over what I do." He told me, making me concerned about tonight.

We have about seven hours left until the full moon rises and until the desert wolf comes here and tries to kill us all. We have a plan, but we all need to be in control, or else the plan could potentially fail.

"Where's everyone else?" I heard Stiles' voice as he opened the door. "Liam!" Stiles yelled, walking over to him and hugging him.

"Most of them are at home." I told him, not sure if I should tell him about tonight. "I can call them if you want. We can have like a welcome home party." I smiled and pulled out my phone.

"It's fine. I'll see them soon and right now, I kinda just want to spend some time with, Malia." He smiled and looked down into her eyes.

"Well you go do that." I smiled and waved them goodbye. "And Stiles, we're having a pack meeting later." I told him, smiling and trying not to sound worried.

"I'll see you then." He smiled and left with Malia.

"Liam, you need to be in complete control." I told him. "Your a main part of this plan, and if you fail at your part, all of this will be a fail." I informed him, trying not to put to much pressure on him.

"And you don't think I know that!" He yelled at me, his eyes glowing yellow for a second. "Sorry. You see what I mean, I have absolutely no control. It's never been this bad, and I'm scared of what I'll do next." I could see the pain and fear in his eyes, curios as to what was happening to him.

"It's fine, okay? We'll figure this out, just don't stress." I told him, regretting what I said before.

I went to call someone for help, when there was a knock on the door. At first I thought Stiles or Malia left something behind, but the Jeep wasn't out the front.

"You expecting anyone?" I asked Liam.

"No. And I'm guessing your not either." I just shook my head and listened for a heart beat. There was only one, and we weren't expecting anyone.

We both walked over to the door slowly, prepared for anything and anyone to be on the other side. I quickly opened the door, ready to fight whoever was on the other side, but then I calmed down.

"No way!" I yelled, shocked at who it was.

"I heard you might need some help." He laughed, making me smile.

"Who's this?" Liam asked, furrowing his eyebrows and pointing.

"I'm Isaac. Isaac Lahey." He introduced himself and when I heard his name, I only just realised how much I missed him.

Yay! Isaac's back! Sorry I haven't been really active, I've had a lot of homework and schools been really stressful, because it's coming towards the end of the term, so I have so many assessments and tests to study for 🙄

Always you ~ StaliaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora