My fault~ 41

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Stiles POV:
I could feel the darkness filling in. All of me was becoming dark and empty, just like the first time this all happened. I can feel him taking over my body, changing me into the one thing I never wanted to become.

I was becoming void again.

"Stiles, please this isn't you!" I heard her voice travel down the hallway and all I wanted to do was help her. I wanted to set her free, but he wouldn't let me.

"Let me in Stiles." He spoke, taking over my body slightly more. "Let me in and this will all be over."

"No! I'm not going to let you in! Not again." I yelled, trying to desperately push him out of me. His voice faded away, but he was still there. He was always there, even if I couldn't see, feel or hear him.

He was always here with me, taking over my body piece by piece. Eventually he's going to take over my body completely, but it has to be up to me. I can fight him, so he doesn't get in my head and take over, but he won't stop.

He won't stop fighting until I let him in and take over my body. Last time when I didn't let him in he threatened Lydia and Scott and I had to let him in. He was going to kill them and I wasn't going to let that happen.

"Stiles! Please, you can fight this!" I heard her soft voice and I knew she was right. I could fight this and I had to try.

"Okay." I whispered and stood up. "You can't come in." I whispered and closed my eyes, trying to find him in my mind. "You can't come in!" I yelled.

"Let me in Stiles." I heard his cold, hollow voice. "Let me in." He repeated over and over again, driving me insane.

"No, you can't come in! I won't let you in." I told him and started walking out into the hallway. "Lydia!" I yelled and listened for her.

"Stiles? Stiles I'm down here!" She yelled and I followed her voice down the hall. "Stiles!" She yelled again.

"I'm coming, Lydia!" I yelled, making sure she knew I was coming for her. "I'll be right there." I yelled and turned right down another hallway.

It was dark and cold down here and I could already tell how scared she would feel. Last time when this happened, Lydia had to go through the same thing. She got taken, she got locked away and she was used. Because of her banshee abilities, everyone wants Lydia on their side. Except for us, we just want her on our side because she's our friend and we care about her.

The only thing that makes it different this time is, Allison isn't here. When this happened last time, Lydia tried to warn us to stay away, but we still went and saved her. And that's how we lost Allison. Because we went and saved Lydia, even though Lydia told us not to.

But that's what we do for each other. We don't stop fighting until we're all safe and ok. That's what Allison did and we'll never forget. Some people said she died for no reason. That she risked her life for a couple of her friends. That her death had death had purpose.

But, that's not what we think. Everyone that knows about the supernatural and about how she actually died, they know that her death had purpose. That she didn't die for no reason. She died saving her friends. And we'll never forget her. How could we ever forget her?

"Stiles, don't come down here." Lydia's voice broke me from my thoughts. "Stay up there and don't come down." I could hear the panic in her voice and I couldn't leave her down there alone.

I started running and I could someone behind me. I knew who it was and I wasn't going to look at him. If I look at him, I know I'll stop and he'll take over my mind more. I just kept running and I didn't look behind me.

"Lydia! Lydia, where are you?" I yelled, trying to listen for her voice.

"She's right in-front of you, Stiles." I heard his voice and got shivers down my spin. "Let me in, Stiles." He came up behind me and I could feel his hot breath on my cheek.

"No, no, no! I'm not letting you in! Just leave me alone!" I yelled, pushing him off me. "I won't let you in." I whispered, looking on the ground and avoiding any eye contact.

"Fine then, but her death will be on your hands." He whispered and then he was no longer there.

He disappeared and now Lydia could be dying or already dead and it's all my fault.

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