Two hours~ 65

282 14 4

He didn't say anything. He just drove me to his house, walked me inside, said goodbye to everyone except me and left. He left me here, without saying good bye or anything. I told him about the car crash and how my family died and he just left me.

"Hey Malia, you okay?" Derek came into the living room and sat down next to me.

I wiped away the tears that were steaming down my face and shook my head.

"No, I told Stiles something and now I think he hates me." I told him, whispering towards the end of the sentence. "I don't know what to do, because I regret telling him, but he had a right to know if he wants to stay in my life, and I want him to, but I don't think he wants to anymore. And after what he just did to me, I don't know if I want him to stay in my life anymore. Like if we get into fights, is he just going to leave without telling me?" I explained, more tears fell as I kept talking.

"Look, Malia I don't know what you told Stiles, but he's probably just processing everything. He'll be back, that's one thing I can tell you." He smiled and pulled me into his chest, giving me a hug.

"I told him something about my past, something big that happened and he just freak out." I grabbed a tissue and wiped my eyes, finally the tears stopped and I could speak properly.

"What'd you tell him? If it's ok if I ask, but you don't have to tell me." He asked, and because I felt like I could trust him with my life, I was going to tell him just not the full story.

"I told him how my eyes changed to this." I told Derek, flashing my eyes. "He didn't take it so well."

"Well don't worry, you fit right in with my family. Everyone in my family had and has blue eyes. The only one who doesn't is my younger sister, Cora. My mother also had blue eyes, but then they turned red and she was an alpha. My uncle has blue eyes and so do I." He showed me his eyes and they were the same as mine.

The piecing blue, that any werewolf feared. The colour your eyes change to when you take the life of an innocent, even if it's an accident. The day you hope never comes, but normally you can't help it.

"Who's life did you take?" I asked him, realising that was a total invasion of privacy. "Sorry, I didn't mean that." I looked to the ground and avoid the awkward eye contact.

"I took the life of my first love. She was bitten, but she wasn't strong enough and she was dying. She couldn't take the pain anymore and asked me to make it stop, so I killed her." He told me, slowly nodding his head as he told me, why his eyes turned blue. "And what about you?"

"I killed my family." I told him, nodding my head as well, listening into the awkward silence. "We got in a car crash and I was injured, so I turned and lost control. I killed them, but everyone thinks it was an animal attack, but it was me." I explain the whole story, so I didn't sound like a psycho.

"We all lost control at some point. Eventually, so will Stiles." He told me, making me feel a bit better.

"Thank you, Derek." I smiled and stood up, walking into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"Malia, have you been crying?" Lydia asked me, grabbing my arm and looking into my eyes. "What's up?" She asked me, making me roll my eyes.

"Nothing, I'm just stressed." I laughed and pushed her hand off me, so I could get a glass of water.

"Lydia, Stiles is on his way back with Liam, Scott and Isaac!" Kira came into the kitchen, jumping up and down.

I just stared at the water and thought about the car ride all over again. The look on his face was like, disgust. Like he never wanted to look at me again, and just the thought of that broke me. I wanted Stiles to stay in my life, but I feel like that's just not an option anymore, because I just feel like he hates me. That he can't look at me the same, but I don't blame him. I can see why he doesn't want to talk to me, but I'm still the same person.

I haven't changed, but story has. That's the only thing that has changed. I just want to see Stiles and see what's going on between us. To see if we're breaking up or staying together, because I am not going to be one of those girls who runs after the boy and gets used. I'm not going to be that girl, so if he wants it to be over, then it's over. He can come running back to me, but I'm not going to go running back to him. It's not me and it's not the way I want to live.

"Since when has Isaac been back?" Lydia asked Kira.

"Who's Isaac?" I asked, joining myself into their conversation.

"He's an old friend and he only came back today." Kira told both Lydia and I.

"Is he a close friend or do we not like this old friend, because I can't tell by your facial expressions? Lydia, you seem scared, but Kira you seems happy. So which one should I be?" I asked them, confused by there different reactions.

"I'm not sure." Lydia said and got a confused look from Kira. "After nearly two years he never came back, so why now when everything is going bad?" Lydia asked and now I could practically smell the confusion off them.

"Why does it matter? Your friends back, be happy." I shrugged my shoulders and wondered why it was such a big deal.

"I am happy, but I have a feeling about this. Like something bad is going to happen, and with Isaac being back, it doesn't feel right." She told us, now making me feel concerned.

"Maybe someone called him. I mean, the plan is to get as many people as possible. Maybe Scott called him?" Kira told us.

"No, we were only calling people that were still in Beacon Hills, or near by. Isaac was not one of those people, so how did he find out?" Lydia said, making us start from the beginning. "Unless this is her plan. To literally kill all of us, including our other friends." Lydia made the suggestion, and out of all of them that was the only one that made sense.

"We need to make another plan. A smarter and better plan, that we know will work, but we have to plan it all in two hours. We have two hours and then the moon will rise and the desert wolf will be here, to kill us." Kira said, pulling out her phone and dialling a number. "Scott, we need a new plan. She's already two steps ahead of us."

And then I finally realise what everyone meant to each other. Why they risk their lives for one another and why they do it over and over again. They're more than just a pack. They're a family and they're always going to be there for each other, and never give up. As long as they have each other, they're strong and that's what we need to be at the moment. We need to be strong and stick together.

Even if we don't see eye to eye. We just have to move on from it and get over everything from the pass. I just hope Stiles also sees it this way. So, he can talk to me again and actually look at me without seeing a monster. Because I'm not, even after what I've done, I'm not a monster and I'm never going to be one. I don't have control over my shifts, I have a short temper, I do threaten to kill people, even though I wouldn't actually wouldn't kill them.

I've learnt that killing people won't change anything, unless it's absolutely necessary. And in this case with my mum, I know what I have to do. I have to kill her.

Always you ~ StaliaWhere stories live. Discover now