Explanation~ 64

318 13 7

Malia's POV:
"So the desert wolf is my real mum and she wants to kill me?" Stiles replied with a nod. "So, I'll kill her first." I simply said and shrugged my shoulders.

"No, Malia I don't think you'll be able to kill her. I don't know if you noticed what happened back there, but I'm not letting you out of the house until all of this is over." He instructed me, knowing that I wouldn't listen to him.

"I don't know what it was back there, but it felt like all the power of the full moon was back there." I told Stiles, trying to describe how it felt.

"We need to go back." He told me, with desperation in his voice. "Scott, Liam and Isaac we can't just leave them."

"I can." I told him straight up. "They told you to leave, so they obviously don't want you there." I rolled my eyes and looked out the car window, watching as the trees blew around with the wind.

"Malia, they're my friends. I can't just leave them like that." He told me, grabbing my hand. "I'll drop you off, but I need to go back."

I wanted him to come with me, but I knew he wouldn't, so I just have to go with him.

"No, I'll come." I told him, smiling and holding onto his hand tighter.

"It's to dangerous." He told me, making me shocked.

For once, I actually wanted to help and now he doesn't even want it. He always has to force me to help him, but this time I want to help, but he doesn't want it? I just shook my head and let go of his hand.

"I'm coming, you can drop me off, but I'm not leaving the car." I insisted, letting him know that I'm not going anywhere.

"Malia, you'll just turn as well, and then I'll have to make sure I get you out of there as well. I can't risk that." He finally looked at me, and I could see that he was worried, but I knew I could fight it.

"Please, just let me come!" I yelled, maybe a bit to loud. "Stiles, just trust me. If I'm with you, I can control it. So, I'll just stay with you." I smiled.

"Next time, I promise. This time it's just to dangerous, just trust me." He smiled back and kissed my hand, making me smile even though I was slightly mad.

"Fine." I finally agreed, even though I didn't want to. "So, where are you dropping me off?" I asked him.

"My house. No ones there and I'll go back to Scott's and then straight back to mine." He told me, making me feel anxious.

"What happens if your Dad comes home early or if the desert, I mean my Mom comes there and tries to kill me? Stiles I can't be alone there!" I yelled, starting to feel worried.

"Malia, don't worry I would never leave you alone. Lydia, Kira, Derek and Parrish will all be there. And I know you can't remember them, but when they touch you, you will ok." He told me and I just nodded and smiled.

"Why does my mum want to kill me?" I asked him, curious as to why my mother wanted to kill me. "And who's my father? I've always known I was adopted, but I never thought I would know my real parents. Do you think my dad is also there, helping my mom kill me?" I asked him questions, I knew he didn't know the answer to.

"I wouldn't have a clue, but we can always have a DNA test to find out who your dad is." He told me. "But do you really want to find out?" He asked me.

"Yea, I do. I want to know why they didn't want me and why they left me." I told him. "Stiles, I really want to tell you something, but I don't know if I'm ready to."

"Well, I'm always here and you tell me when you're ready." He told me, showing me that he supports me.

"Thank you, Stiles." He looked at me and smiled. "Thank you for everything and I want you to know, that you mean so much to me." I let him know.

And then the car was dead silent. He didn't say anything after that and neither did it. It was a peaceful silent, not a awkward silent and I liked it. It gave me time to think about everything that's on my mind.

"Malia! That's mine!" Kiley yelled at me, making my mom glare down at me.

"I had it first!" I yelled back, trying to win the argument I already lost. "Mom, I grabbed the doll first." I gave her my puppy dog eyes, even though she'd grown out of them.

"Malia, those eyes were cute once, but there not cute anymore sweetie. Maybe if you smile, because I find that pretty cute." She smiled and made me laugh.

So, I grabbed the doll and put it next to my face, which now had a massive smile on it. Kiley was my younger sister and I did love her, but she sometimes got super annoying.

"Kiley I promise I'll take care of her and give her straight back when we get home." I looked at my sister and smiled.

She just shook her head and stared back at me, waiting for me to give her doll back. I didn't want to, but as the older sister I felt I had to. Kylie didn't go any where without her doll, but if she did forget it, she wouldn't smile. She would just sit there and stay quiet and I didn't like that. I liked it when she laughed and smiled, so I gave her doll back.

"Thank you." She smiled and I knew I did the right thing, but it still annoyed me about how she always whines.

"I'm proud of you, Malia." And they were my mothers last words to me.

End of flashback:
I didn't realise until Stiles asked me if I was okay, but I was crying. I had tears streaming down my face, leaving a cool, wet trail behind them. I didn't want to look at him, because I was scared that if I looked at him, I would just break down crying again. I couldn't let that happen, so I just nodded and looked out the window.

"Yea, I'm fine." I whispered and wiped the last tear the fell from my eye.

"Malia, you don't seem fine. Please just tell me, so I can help. I don't like seeing you like this, it scares me."

I wanted to tell him everything and I was going to, but I just needed to calm down first. So, I took a couple of breaths and then looked at him, and instantly wanted to break down again, but I couldn't. I didn't want to give him any more reason to worry, so I held my head up and told him everything about that night.

About the last night with my family. The last words I said to them and the last words they said to me. About how we swerved off the road and crashed. How I got injured and had to turn to survive. And how I killed my family.

Okay, so I don't know what to do. How many chapter do you guys want this book to be and do you want me to make a sequel or just have this as the only book? Thanks for nearly 10k! Xx

Always you ~ StaliaWhere stories live. Discover now