Memories~ 58

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Malia's POV:
"Look, I don't know you and I think I would remember you, if we were friends. I just want to go home and I promise I won't tell anyone." I told them, looking at all the unfamiliar faces.

"Malia, do you seriously not remember us?" The alpha asked me, Scott from memory.

"No, and like I said, I don't know you. So, you've either got the wrong person or you're crazy." I told him, trying to sound as polite as I possibly could.

I looked at the boy who was sitting next to me, Liam was his name. He just sat there and stared at me, like I should know who he was. I didn't know any of these people and why they have me here.

"Hang on, give me a minute." Scott said and I watched as he walked away.

I waited until Scott was out of sight and took this as an opportunity. I know that Liam is there, but he's like 15, so I'm sure I'll be able to take him out. I went to go and get up and attack who ever tried to stop me, but then he walked in. The person who did this to me and made me like this. The one who injected with the syrup and made me black out for a day and a half. I wanted to scream, but nothing came out. I couldn't scream, or move, or even look away. It was like my body was paralysed.

"Hey, Mal." He said, walking closer to me. He was getting to close and I finally snapped.

"Get away from me!" I yelled, kicking my legs around. "Get away from me! You did this to me!" I yelled, tears falling down my face, leaving a hot, wet trail behind them.

I felt a hand on my foot and kicked it off me. I didn't want to open my eyes and I couldn't. I couldn't look at him, I might of forgotten everyone else, but his face, I'll never forget that face.

"Malia, hey it's me. It's Stiles." I heard his voice and tried to block it out. "Malia, it's ok. I'm not him. I'm not the nogitsune, I'm Stiles, your boyfriend." I opened my eyes, slowly and saw him standing there with his hands up, as if he was surrendering.

"Malia, it's ok." Liam said, walking over to Stiles. "He's better now. He's been cured, he won't hurt you."

"Okay." I whispered, looking up at Stiles. "Okay." I whispered again, watching as a smile grew on his face.

I just sat there, staring at him and waiting for him to say something. He didn't say anything, so I thought maybe I should.

"I can't remember you, well I remember you, just not as you." I told him, watching as he started to look confused. "Maybe you have some photos or something?" I asked him, trying to find some ways I can remember everyone.

"Yea, of course." He said, patting at his pockets, looking for something. "Here, I should have some on here." He pulled out his phone and looked at the spare spot next to me.

"What?" I asked him, as he looked at me.

"Can I sit there?" He asked me, pointing to the seat next me. I just nodded and curled up even tighter. "Okay, well here's us when you came over and we watched Star Wars for the first time."

I looked at the photo and saw us together, but didn't remember it. I just nodded and waited for him to show me another one.

"And this one was when we went camping. Actually, the next couple are." He handed me his phone and let me look at them.

And went through them and saw us together, but still couldn't remember. I saw a photo of us together in a tent. I was resting on his shoulder, asleep and he was awake. Smiling and taking a picture of us together. Another one was of us at night time, next to the fire eating roasted marshmallows. I saw a video, and went to play it, but stopped.

"Can I watched it?" I asked him, showing him the video.

"Yea, go for it." He smiled.

I pressed play and saw Scott, running around like a child. He was talking about how cold it was.

"What's he talking about?" I paused the video and asked Stiles.

"Because we played truth or dare, and you told him to put ice down his pants." He started laughing, obviously remembering it all over again.

I just nodded and kept watching the video.

"Is it a bit cold, Scott?" I heard Stiles' voice in the background and something happened. Like, I knew what was going to happen next. Like my memory was coming back.

"Funny, Stilinski." Scott replied, sarcastically and then I heard my growl.

I don't know what I was growling at, but something had annoyed me.

"Don't worry, I like it better when you say it." And then Stiles spoke, making me laugh again.

I turned off his phone and looked up at him, confused on what to say. I still didn't remember anything and even though I saw pictures, I still don't even believe I was there. Surely I would of remembered something by now. Even just the smallest thing, but it's still all like a jig-saw puzzle, with all the pieces missing.

"So?" Stiles asked me, looking into my eyes.

"Nope. I don't remember anything." I told him, sounding like I didn't care even though I did. "I mean, the pictures didn't work and neither did the videos. Maybe if we just give it time." I told him, trying to sound convincing.

I knew that I wasn't going to get my memory back. It's just a feeling that I got and I don't know how to feel about it. Maybe it's a good thing, and maybe it's not. I mean, I can start a new life and be who I want to be, but then from the pictures and videos I looked happy. Like, really happy and it kills me not to be able to remember that life I had.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, trying to blink away the tears before they came out. "I'm real-really trying to remember." I told them, stuttering on my words.

"Hey, Malia it's okay." Liam told me, touching my shoulder to comfort me.

But little did he know, that's what I needed to get my memories back.

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