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Stiles' POV:
Because I'm meant to be dead and Theo doesn't know I'm alive, I wasn't allowed to go with the others, back to Scott's house. I was angry at first, because I didn't want to leave Malia again, but then I remembered that I had to do this for her. To keep her safe and out of harm.

"As soon as we're done here, I'll come over to your place." She told me through the phone, her voice sounded quiet.

"When are you going to be done?" I asked her, playing with my fingers, as I waited for her to reply.

"I'm not really sure, but Scott said I can leave before they do. Pretty much, I have to have a massive melt down in front of Theo, and then I can go home. We want to make it as believable as we can." She told me, monotonously.

"Well, I'll leave the back door unlocked for you. When you get here, just come up to my bedroom." I informed her, making sure she knew how to get inside.

"Don't leave the doors unlocked, you idiot!" She yelled at me, sounding serious for a minute. "it's Friday the 13th tomorrow. You don't want Jason to come for you." She laughed, trying to sound serious and spooky.

"You're so funny, I forgot to laugh." I told her, sarcastically laughing.

After that, we didn't say anything. We just sat there in silence, waiting for the other to say something. Even though we weren't saying anything, it still felt like we were talking.

"I'll see you later." I finally spoke, breaking the silence.

"Alright, I love you." She said, hanging up the phone, before I could say it back.

I put my phone on charge and flopped onto my bed, placing my face into my pillows. I wasn't tired at the moment, but I could defiantly sleep right now. The last three days, I haven't been able to sleep much. With Malia breaking up with me, the constant feeling of being alone, the overwhelming feeling of fear, the Desert wolf shooting me, it's been hard trying to fall asleep.

Whenever I close my eyes, I can just hear the sound of the gun being fired. I can feel the pain again, like I'm being shot all over again. And then I look up and see Malia's face. Just the look on it and it breaks me. She looked scared and hurt, but I don't know why.

I wasn't sure if it was because I was dying or if it was because her mother did this to me. We never spoke about what happened that night in the woods, when I was shot. She never told me what she was thinking, when all of it happened. I guess, I never really asked her though.

"Stiles, I'm leaving now! Make sure the doors are locked!" I heard my dad call out to me.

"Yep! I'll see you when you get home!" I yelled back to him, pushing myself off my bed and walking over to my bathroom.

I didn't want to fall asleep yet, because I wanted to try and wait up for Malia. All the doors where still locked and I'm not going to unlock them, until I know she's not to far away. Even though I know I'm sort of safe, I'm still scared. I'm always scared. The only time I feel safe, is when I'm with Malia.

She makes me feel safe and like nothing can happen to me. I know if I was in trouble, she would help me instantly. I know Scott would as well, but I know he isn't going to be with me all the time. Like, he's not going to stay at my place over night and come to my house in the morning.

Always you ~ StaliaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang