Careful~ 87

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Malia's POV:
I ran into the hospital, my head spinning and my heart racing. I didn't know where to go, but I had to find him. About 20 minutes ago, I got a call from Melissa telling me what happened to, Stiles. He was bleeding badly, but he got here just in time.

"Malia, are you alright?" I turned around and saw Melissa walking towards me, holding out her hands. "Just sit down, take a few deep breaths. He's going to be alright." She told me, trying to calm me down.

"I need. To see. Him." I told her, taking a couple of deep breaths, every few words. "Where is he?"

I stood up quickly, trying to ignore the pounding in my head. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, concentrating on everything around me. I could hear the machines beeping, people crying and laughing, families talking, but then I heard him. Once I heard his sweet, calming voice, I could finally breath again.

"No, I'm fine. I just need some sleep." I heard him tell someone, sounding exhausted.

I opened my eyes and started walking towards his voice, not listening to Melissa calling out my name. I wanted to punch Stiles for scaring me like that, but right now the only thing I can think about is hugging him. I walked passed a couple of rooms and looked into them, seeing if Stiles was in there.

I stopped outside room 215 and took a deep breath in, opening the door and walking inside. He lied there, his eyes closed, but then they instantly opened.

"I hate you! You scared me." I told him, running over to him and embracing him in a hug. "I thought something bad happened."

"I'm fine, it's just something happened with the stiches. They broke or something else happened, but I'm all good now. I just lost a lot of blood and now I'm super tired, but I should be able to go home soon." He told me, smiling.

"I told you that you needed to be careful. I can't lose you again, not yet." I told him. "I'm not ready to let you go, so make sure you take care of yourself, because I'm not going to be here for you all the time. I'll try, but I know I can't. And if I lose you, I'll blame myself."

I felt his warm hand on my face and I closed my eyes. After everything he's been through, he shouldn't have to deal with this. He's survived a bullet, he's survived being hit across the head more then once and he's even survived a car crash. If he didn't get to his phone on time, he could've died.

After everything he's survived, his death could of been because his stiches broke. I'm not okay with that.

"Don't worry, Mal. I'm not going anywhere." He told me, grabbing my hand and kissing it. "I promise that I'll be around to annoy you for a long time." He laughed, smiling again.

"I hope you are." I smiled, running my hand through his soft, light hair. "I love you, Stiles."

"I love you too, Malia." He whispered, closing his eyes. "And guess what." He said, his voice sounding sleepy.

"What's that?" I asked him before he fell asleep.

"It's Friday the 13th." He smiled, tilting his head to the side and falling asleep.

"Yea, and I've already had my scare of the night." I told him, sitting at the end of his bed and watching him sleep.

I pulled out my phone and texted Scott, letting him know that Stiles was going fine. I wanted to call him and see how everything was going, but I didn't want to distract him from what they were doing.

Just before I left Theo was telling us about how he met the, Desert wolf. She needed help and she needed someone to get on the inside, so she could find out everything. Theo was available, so he took the job. Later on, he found out how the Desert wolf was going to get her powers back. She needed a full moon and that's all. Once she had that, all she needed was me.

He was going to tell us something else, but then I got the call from Melissa. I heard a tiny bit before I left, but I didn't hear the whole sentence. He said something like, 'she can also take her powers, but not with her claws.' I'm not sure who he was talking about, but it sounded important.

"Malia, Scott and the others found something. Something that can come in handy, when you fight against the Desert wolf again." I turned around and saw Melissa at the door.

"What is it!" I yelled, but not to loud. I looked at Stiles and made sure I didn't wake him. "Where is it?"

"Theo told them about it, but they don't know where it is. He's not exactly up to talking about it." She told me, looking as angry as I felt.

"Well, I bet I could get it out of him." I looked at Melissa and flashed my eyes blue, blinking my to make them turn brown again.

I looked at Melissa and then back to Stiles, making sure he was still asleep. I didn't want to wake him or leave him, but I wanted him to know where I was. I didn't want him to wake up and wonder where I was and start to think that I just left him.

"Stiles, babe you need to wake up." I whispered, tapping his arm and making sure I stayed far away from his stomach.

"Five more minutes, Dad." He whispered, making me smile.

"No Stiles, you need to wake up." I said louder this time, making sure he knew it was me. "I need to tell you something and then you can go straight back to sleep."

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me, waiting for me to tell him what was wrong. His facial expression looked pissed off, but he was still so adorable.

"I need to go back to Scott's, but I'll be back when I'm done. We think we found a way to end all of this, but we just need Theo to talk." I informed him, quickly kissing him on the forehead. "Go back to sleep."

"Just, make sure you're careful." He whispered and watched as I walked out the door, leaving him once again.

I'm so sorry that I haven't posted for a couple of days, but my wifi is broken and I had to use my friends wifi. I'm not sure when it gets fixed, but my I get 3G this Monday, so I should be able to post again then.
And the next chapter will be the Friday the 13th.

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