Take care of myself~ 90

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Ignoring the pain in my chest, from all running I was doing, I pushed through it. I could see Scott's house, but it felt like it was still so far away. I could feel my legs giving way, but I wasn't going to let them. I looked at his house and pushed myself, running faster and faster by the second.

I could see Stiles at the front, waiting for me and when I saw him, I started smiling. He was finally out of hospital, even though when I last saw him, he looked half dead. I let my legs collapse when I was finally at Scott's house, right next to Stiles.

"Mal, you okay?" He asked me, dropping down next to me.

"Just. Out. Of. Breath." I told him, lying down on my back and catching my breath. "When did. You get. Out of. The hospital?"

"Well, I'm not meant to be out yet. Melissa helped me get out, because I'm fine now. I got it re-stitched." He told me, lifting his shirt up slightly, showing my his new bandage.

"Of course." I laughed, wiping the sweat around my forehead.

I was finally able to speak probably, as I could now breath again. I sat up slowly, trying to ignore the dizziness.

"I have what you need." Stiles smiled, helping me stand up. "They're like these claws and you need to put them on and steal your Mom's powers. They're inside there, in my backpack." He told me, picking me up and carrying me inside.

"Thank you." I whispered, as he put me down on the coach, throwing a blanket over me.

"Scott said that we have to stay here, until he calls us. The Desert wolf knows where you are, so they're trying to distract her for as long as they can. They want me to explain what you have to do, but it's pretty sim-" He started to explain, getting cut off by his phone.

He looked down at it and furrowed his eyebrows, showing my the caller ID. Lydia was calling him, but she wasn't meant to. Scott was the one who's meant to call Stiles, so somethings happened. Something in the plan hasn't worked or even worse. Lydia's visions have come true and now everyone's dead.

"Lydia?" Stiles asked, his voice coming out shaky. "Is everything alright over there?"

I listened in and heard her voice. She was crying and telling Stiles that I needed to get there, now. Stiles tried to calm her down, telling her that we'll be there in ten, but she couldn't calm down. Her breathing was uneven and every word she said, came out shakier and shakier.

"We need to go now." He told me, his eyes watering up, but no tears falling. "Lydia, we'll be there in five minutes."

"No, Stiles you can't come. It's to dangerous." She told him, lowering her voice.

"Trust me, I can take care of myself." He told her, hanging up and putting his phone back in his pocket. "Meet me in my car, I need to quickly go and get something."

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed his backpack with the claws, so I could steal my Mothers powers. I ran outside and jumped in his car, waiting for him to get whatever he needed. Once I was buckled in and ready to go, I unzipped his bag and looked inside, finding a glass container inside. I pulled it out and saw five claws, a lot larger then mine.

"What the hell are these?" I whispered to no one, looking at the claws.

I undid the lid and watched as the glowed a bright blue, almost the same colour as my eyes. I was about to get one out, when the drivers door opened.

"We need to hurry." He told me, placing his baseball bat in the backseat. "Just promise me you'll be safe. Don't do anything to stupid." He looked at me and smiled.

"I promise, I won't do anything stupid or to dangerous." I told him, making sure he could the smile on my face.

"No ones dead yet, but it's bad. She has gun fire and even though she isn't as strong as them, she's more skilled." He told me, turning onto a bush road. "They should be just up this road, but we need to run a bit that way." He told me, pointing into the trees.

"Don't worry, I'll be able to get there faster then you. Just make sure if you're in trouble scream, yell, call I don't care. I'll come and find you, as fast as I can." I told him, making sure he knew what to do if he was in trouble.

"I will, but I think I've got everything under control." He explained, pointing to the backseat where his bat was.

I just smiled and looked at him, happy that he was here. Happy that after everything that's happened, we've lasted through it all. That in the end, we always find our way back to each other.

"I love you, Stilinski." I told him, holding his free hand.

"As do I, Tate." He quickly looked at me, returning his attention back to the road.

I took a deep breath in and waited for him to stop there car. I could hear the fight from here and it sounded bad. There was mainly gun shots, but I could hear other things as well. I could hear Lydia's stressed voice, talking to Kira.

"Why aren't you healing? I thought you were teaching yourself, because of what happened last time!" Lydia yelled, sounding more stressed then she ever has.

"I was, but I never said I knew how to do it." Kira's voice was weak, almost like she didn't even have energy to talk.

"Stiles, you need to speed." I told him, concerned that Kira wouldn't last much longer.

I watch as Stiles pressed down on the pedal, going faster then we were before. I checked the time and saw we had already been in the car for three minutes, so we weren't far away from the others. With Stiles going this speed, we should be there any minute now.

"We're here!" Stiles yelled, grabbing his bat and jumping out the car.

I jumped out and followed him, grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around.

"Call if you need to." I told him, placing a kiss on his lips and running off the others, leaving Stiles behind.

I didn't want to run off without him, but the others needed me. They needed me there now and if I ran at Stiles' speed, I don't know what will happen.

"I promise." I heard him whisper as I ran off. "I'll take care of myself."

And then, I was in the middle of a battle between my friends and my mother.

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