Moon rising~ 69

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Malia's POV:
I looked outside and watched as the moon started to rise. My urges to turn weren't as strong as they normally are, but they were still there. I still had to fight to stay in control, but as long as I had Stiles with me, I would be fine.

"How you doing?" Scott came over to me, looking out the window as well.

"Better. Better then before and the urges aren't as strong as they use to be." I told him, smiling at myself because of how far I had come.

"You'll feel them later, so make sure you stay with Stiles. And when all this goes down, make sure you concentrate on his voice." He told me, looking at Stiles.

He was just standing there, getting taught how to use a gun. It was quiet funny to watch, considering he had no idea what he was doing. He went to reload his gun, but dropped it and started laughing. His laugh made me feel more human than I ever have before.

"Stiles, would you laugh if the desert wolf was coming at you with claws and fangs? Do you think she would wait for you to pick it up?" Braeden asked him, sounding annoyed.

"Maybe if I asked nicely?" Stiles replied, making me laugh.

"Well she won't. She'll keep coming at you and then she'll kill you. She isn't here to fight us. She's here to kill us." She told him, handing him a smaller gun then the one before.

It looked better on him. Like he was more comfortable with it.

"What do you think, Tate? Do I look hot?" He asked me, pointing the gun in front of him and trying to pull a sexy pose, but failing.

"Something like that." I laughed, waking over to him and lowering the gun. "Just promise me that if you're in trouble, call me. Scream, yell, shout and I'll come to straight to you. I don't care if I mess up the plan, just as long as you're okay." I told him, holding his head in my hands.

He had a soft, smooth face and when you touched it, that's when you realise how soft it actually is. I didn't want to let go of him and put his life at risk, just because my own mom wants me dead. Even though we have a plan and it most likely will work, I also have a plan of my own. Even if everything's going well and working, as soon as I hear Stiles in trouble, I'm going to him. I'll protect him and risk my life for him. 

He's the only good thing in my life and he's all I want to stay in my life. Ever since I met Stiles, my whole life has changed. It got better and it's still getting better, every moment we spend together. 

"Don't worry, baby. I can protect myself." When I heard baby leave his mouth, my heart stopped. Stiles has never called me that, but I liked it. 

"I know you can, but just in-case something doesn't work out. I don't care if I screw up the whole plan, just as long as you're ok." I told him, connecting our lips together. 

After the day I've been through, this was the best part of it. 

"I love you and I really hope you know that. I'm sorry for what I did before, I didn't know what to do or say." He told me, cupping his hands around my face. 

"I know, it's okay." I told him, smiling as he hands squeezed tighter around my face. "When tonight is over, we totally deserve date." I laughed, staring into his eyes. 

"Yea, we do." He laughed as well, letting go of my face. "We'll go to the beach and swim, have a romantic dinner, laugh, enjoy ourselves and be stress free." He informed me, describing the perfect date. 

"Sounds perfect." I whispered, concentrating on his voice. 

I closed my eyes, taking in slow and deep breaths. The urge to turn was getting stronger now, just like it use to. 

"Malia, what's wrong?" He asked me, calming me down a bit. 

I pushed him off me gently, walking over to the kitchen window. The moon was out and it was nearly 11:00, so we had another half hour and then the plan was going into action. I just looked at Stiles and shook my head. This whole thing was going to fail and it's going to be my fault, because I still can't control my transformations. 

"It's getting to hard." I told him, taking sharp breaths. "I ca-can't control it mu-much longer." I told him, trying to keep my balance. 

"Malia, just focus on my voice. Listen to it and only listen to my voice." He told me, so I listen. I listen to his worried voice and tried to relax, but with every breath I took, it got harder and harder to control it. "Scott, I need some help!" Stiles yelled. 

"Stiles, run!" I yelled, looking at him with my piercing blue eyes. "You need to go and leave me for Scott to deal with." I told him, knowing he wouldn't listen to me. 

"No, you see Malia, I once promised you that I wouldn't leave you. Now, when I make I promise I don't break it, so I can't leave you." He told me, looking into my eyes. "You need to understand that it wasn't your fault. That what happened to your family wasn't your fault. You were young, you had no control, you lost control and it wasn't your fault." He told me, his eyes starting to water. 

As I watched him, I felt calmer and slowly felt human again. 

"What! What's happening?" Scott yelled, running into the kitchen. 

"She's controlling it." Stiles smiled, watching me as I turned back into a human. 

My claws turned back into nails, my fangs back into teeth, my blue eyes back to brown and my mind back in my control. I looked at Stiles and laugh, proud of what we just accomplished. He helped me turn back and stay in control. 

"I did it." I laughed, holding up my hand and showing both, Stiles and Scott. "We did it! We actually did it!" I yelled, standing up and running over to Stiles, engulfing him in a hug.

"See, I knew you could do it." He whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spin.

"How did you know what to say?" I asked him, confused on how he knew it would work.

"I don't even know." He smiled, still holding me in his arms.

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, but not that I wanted to. I was happy and I deserve to smile. I did something that I thought I never to do. I fell in love with the perfect guy for me, one who makes me feel human and alive again. One who doesn't care what I've done in the past and only cares about what I do from now on. One who treats me like a princess and always makes sure I'm happy.

I looked out the window again, checking on the moon. It was nearly at it's peak and my nerves were slowly building up. I wasn't scared about me, I was just scared about everyone else. That someone could die tonight and it would be my mum who's killing them, but all she really wants to do is kill me.

"Guys." Kira came running around the corner, with tears in her eyes. "It's Lydia, she had the vision again. The one when everyone dies and she thinks it's more then a vision."

"What do you mean?" I asked her, looking at Scott.

"She thinks it's a warning. A warning that this isn't going to end well."

I don't know much about banshee's and there capability, but from what I've heard, when they have a vision it normally comes true. Sometimes it can be avoided if you think ahead, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Like it's meant to happen for a reason.

"We'll just have to fight harder." Scott said, looking at me with his red eyes. "And we'll have to do whatever it takes to kill, the desert wolf."

Okay, so here's a quick update and sorry I haven't been posting all that much anymore. I've been super busy with school, but I'm on holidays now, so I'll be able to post (hopefully) twice a day again. 

Thanks for reading x


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