Pack~ 35

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Malia's POV:
"Who are you!" I screamed, trying to escape. "What do you want!"

I was in a small room by myself. I could see a small staircase, but it was blocked by a steel door.

"Please! Just let me go!" I screamed, trying to look for someone else. "Just tell me who you are!"

"Malia." I heard someone whisper. I turned my door to the door and saw someone standing there. "Malia Tate." She whispered and unlocked the door.

"What do you want." It was the same girl from that night. She had kind brown hair and brown eyes, like me.

"I want my power back." She said louder this time.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her. "I don't understand." I whispered and leaned up against the wall.

I was beginning to feel light headed, but I could faint now. I was about to get some information.

"You stole my powers." She yelled, making me jump. "When you where born, you stole them from me. I want them back."

And that's when I realised who she was. She had them same eyes as me, the same shaped nose, the same hair colour and she was a coyote, like me.

"Mom?" I whispered.

"Correct." She flashed her eyes a piecing blue. "And when you were born, Malia, you took some of my power." She took a step closer to me. "And I want it back." She yelled and ran towards me.

I stood up straight and ran towards her. I pushed her as hard as I could and she fell to the ground. While she was down, I took the chance to run.

I ran down a long, creepy hallway. I could feel my lung and legs burning, but I kept running. I turned around and saw her behind me.

She was took far, but she wasn't too close. I turned back around and began running again.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Malia?" I heard her yell behind me. "Because I won't stop, until I have my power back. Even if I have to kill, Stiles." I stopped immediately and turned around.

She had stopped running awhile ago, so she was behind me a bit. All I could hear was the sound of her high heels on the ground.

"You love him, don't you." She laughed and stopped walking towards me. "I won't hurt him." She said and I believed her. Only because I was listening to her heart beat. "But you have to stay with me. You have to give me my powers back. The powers I deserve. Not some teenager, who probably doesn't even know what she's doing!" She laughed and it echoed down the hallway.

"I can't make any promises." I yelled, knowing I wasn't alone anymore. "It's not all just about power. It's also about being apart of a pack." I tried to distract her, whilst they came and found me.

I could hear them talking and I'm not sure if she also knew they where hear.

"You're stronger in numbers." I spoke again, making sure she was paying attention to me. "You have a greater chance of winning, when you have more people."

"Yea, because your pack showed me that, the day I took you. Malia, they didn't even try to save you!" She yelled. "They didn't even care that I took you. And if they did, then where the hell are they?"

"We're right here." I heard a voice and then, Scott appeared by my side.

His eyes flashing red. I then saw Kira behind him, with her sword. Liam and Parrish where also with them. I looked around for him, but I couldn't find him.

"This is going to be fun." And then, she was gone.

I looked around and saw all the confused expressions. But then I realised what she meant.


Always you ~ StaliaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora