Five hours~ 62

302 20 4

Stiles' POV:
"You don't understand how much I missed you." I told her, as I pulled her closer to me and pushed our lips together.

I missed that feeling. The feeling of her warm, soft lips on mine and I don't think I will ever get over the feeling it gives me. Even though we've kissed so many times, it still feels like it's our first kiss. Like we've never kissed each other, and it gives me a feeling, I could never describe.

"I didn't really have much time to miss you." She told me, playing with the zip on my jacket. "I was asleep for nearly two days." She looked at me, as if I didn't know.

"I know." I whispered and kissed her forehead. "Sadly, I can remember everything he did, and I can remember what he did to you. I tried to fight it and I thought I did, but he was just playing tricks on me." I put  a piece of hair behind her ear, smiling as she looked at me.

"Why did you fight? Doesn't it get hard and tiring?" She asked me, confused as to why I fight for people.

"That's just what people do I guess. They fight for their friends and the people they love." I told her, grabbing her left hand and holding it close to me.

I missed this more than anything. I miss talking to her, holding her, kissing her, hugging her and just being around her. She has this thing about her, that no matter how long you spend with her, she never gets boring. Every time you see her, she gets more and more beautiful. She always makes me laugh and she doesn't care what other people think. Just as long as she's happy, and that's something that makes her special. She's not afraid to be herself.

"Seems boring." She told me, putting her head on my shoulder.

"Well tell me, if all your friends were being attacked what would you do?" I asked her, curios to what her answer would be.

"I'd run. And if I went back and they were dead, I'd eat them." She told me, having no filter on what she said.

"Well, okay then." I was shocked about what she said, but I saw it coming.

"But if you were there, I would protect you. And if someone touched you and hurt you, then I'd kill them." She told me, making me smile and silently laugh.

"You know, you're not like most girls." I told her, sitting up and bringing her up with me. "You don't care what you say, what you do, how you act, or what other people think about you." I looked into her eyes and smiled.

"Is that a bad thing?" She frowned and stared into my eyes, looking hurt by what I said.

"No! No, Malia that's a good thing. It's one of the things I like about you. That you're different and don't act like everyone else. It makes you unique." I told her, making her smile again.

I stared out at the water, watching as the waves hit the rocks, and splashed up. It was windy today, so the waves were big and wild, like they had a mind of their own. Some going left, the others going right, and majority of them going straight ahead into the rocks.

"You like the beach?" Malia asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yea, it reminds me of when I was younger." I smiled and remembered the good times. "My mum would take me to the beach every weekend, and sometimes my dad would come and we would stay there for hours. Just watching the waves crash and building sandcastles." I told Malia, my eyes watering up.

"Sounds beautiful." She whispered, looking away from me.

"What about you? Do you like the beach?" I asked her, blinking away the tears.

"I've never really been." She went quiet. "This is my second time coming to the beach. The first time I ever came, I was six. I went with my mum, dad and younger sister." She told me, her eyes also starting to water up. "We went out for a family day and when we got there, it started to rain. We waited for the rain to pass, but it didn't, so we went out for dinner instead." She finished, a tear leaving her eye.

"Hey, come here." I whispered, unsure as to why she was crying. "What's wrong?" I asked her, holding her close to me.

"It's nothing." She wiped away her tears and smiled again. "Sorry, it's just with all the stress. I'm fine." She told me, smiling and standing up, looking over the edge of the cliff.

"Don't get to close to the edge, the cliff might collapse!" I yelled out to her, watching as she got closer to the edge. "Malia, stop there!" I yelled out, but she kept walking. "Malia!" I yelled, quickly standing up and running over to her, grabbing her arm and pulling her back towards me.

"I was fine!" She yelled. "Just let me get a bit closer, please." She smiled and looked at the edge of the cliff.

"It's to dangerous. Come on, we should be getting back to Scott's." I told her, smiling at her.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes and started running back to the car, leaving me behind.

"Malia, wait come back!" I yelled, watching as she turned around and ran back towards me.

"Yea?" She smiled and ran into my arms, hugging me tightly.

"I love you." I told her for the first time ever, kissing her lips one last time.

She kissed me back, tugging on my hair and smiling into the kiss. She pulled back and just nodded, not saying anything.

"Come on, we only have five hours until the moon starts to rise." She told me, showing me her phone and the time.

But when she showed me the time on her phone, I couldn't concentrate on the time, because I was focused on the background. It was a picture of us when we went camping, in the tent of the first night we went. We were taking photos before bed, and we took so many, but out of all the pictures, she chose that one.

The one were I kissed her on the cheek, whilst I had my arm tightly wrapped around her. Making sure she knew, I would never let go.

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