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It was the start of new term and Snape entered the Great Hall to the excited chatter of students anticipating the year to come.He scanned the Griffindor table but there was no sign of Hermione.Furrowing his brow he continued with his meal sitting next to McGonagall,when Madam Pomfrey came upto her and said in an urgent whisper,"It's one of your Griffindor students-Ms.Granger.She collapsed in the train;severely affected by the Dementors."Snape turned his head towards them with the mention of Hermione's name.What?She collapsed?McGonagall gave Snape a look and followed Pomfrey out and Snape without a moment's hesitation rushed out after them...................................................
Hermione was rolling her eyes,failing to believe the fuss Madam Pomfrey was making over her.She wouldn't listen even when she said for the thousandth time that she felt fine now,but bustled off to inform her house head.She expected McGonagall coming to check on her but sat up straight when the black cloaked figure followed her inside the hospital wing."Hermione,dear,what happened?"McGonagall came up to press her hand to her forehead.Snape was looking intently at her face so Hermiome looked down embarrassed."It was a dementor,ma'm-in the train.It came upto our compartment and everything went cold..and..and it did something-I blacked out."Hermione finished.Pomfrey tsked,"They effect everyone and for someone like you with such horrors in her past....oh,such a delicate little girl.""I'm not delicate!"Hermione interjected,not wanting Snape to believe her to be weak."No one says so Hermione."McGonagall shot Pomfrey a look."You look a bit peaky though."Pomfrey mused."Indeed",Snape spoke for the first time,"Its like seeing a ghost."Hermione exhaled soundly."Here,have some chocolate.It'll help loads."Pomfrey said handing her a wad of chocolate which she took reluctantly."Eat."Snape said in his most authoritative tone.Can't argue with that man.Hermione took a small bite but when Snape continued to look at her she took a bigger mouthful and gulped.She saw a smirk play across his face.Urgh!Have it your way then.....................................................
Hermione stuffed the rest of the chocolate in her mouth and swung her legs round and hopped out of the bed.Madam Pomfrey was about to protest,"Should'nt she stay the night-"But Hermione stomped out.Snape followed.As soon as they came out they heard Malfoy and his friends guffawing close by,"Do you know she fainted?She actually fainted!"Snape and McGonagall ignored them but Hermione's nostrils flared and she turned to go."Should'nt she be having some dinner?"Snape asked McGonagall while looking at Hermione.McGonagall wanted to say something in the affirmative but Hermione cut her off,"No,thank you Professors.I think I had my fill."With this she went straight to her dormitory.Damn you,Malfoy!Snape thought.

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