Chapter 1

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Haley POV

          That moment I saw Drew Chadwick get on that plane and flew away I knew this was the end for us. Drew and I basically grew up together in Washington; we have been neighbors since we were 2. Our parents were good friends so Drew and I would always hang out, we did everything, growing up together. Drew was always there for me, people saw my family as the perfect family but the truth was it wasn't perfect at all. My parents would cheat on each other all the time getting me in the middle of it to take sides. I don't understand why didn't they get a divorced, so I never really l saw a good relationship. Now that I'm a teenager our fights have gotten worse to where some nights I stay over Drew place. He was the best guy friend to me, whenever we get sad we just spend time together, seeing him turned my world upside down.

      Along the way we met up with Wesley and Keaton Stromberg, two chill awesome brothers they would always hang out with us. Wesley was one year younger than us and Keaton was 4 years younger. We would all hang out together every summer in Wes basement we would just play video games, or making weird ass videos, but once we got into middle school I focused more on school my study, I was thinking about becoming an author writing was really good for me. I wanted to get into college so I can leave home, I didn’t like it at home.  The boys were always there for me cheering me up I could count on them. Later on around when we were 13 we make YouTube videos all the time just being weird, and I would blog about my life.

     My freshman year Drew and I realized we were in love like really in love, I was head over heel for him, he was the only guy for me, he has been for there for me through every bad thing that happened to me, he was my hero on saving me. I was honestly in love with him.

   By our senior year we had some trouble about me going away to college, he wanted me to stay here but I couldn't stay any longer near my parents, I wanted Drew to follow me where ever I was going so we could be together. Wesley and Keaton were going to move to California their mom got a new job there and wanted Drew to come along. There it got harder. He wanted to me to go school there, but I only applied at one school Penn State University that was all the way in Pennsylvania and when Drew find out I got accept into that school he wasn't happy at all.

     I was leaving to that school no matter what it was the one college I wanted to go to, I tried so hard to convince to come with me, but he was to mad at me to even talk with me, he ignore me for a while. I didn't even know this till Wesley called me to saying goodbye that they were leaving to Cali that Drew was going with him, he was so upset with me that he was going to California without saying one word to me.        

   I got to the airport as fast as I could, I ran inside I had to see Drew before he left I had to say goodbye. I got to the gate looking at the window seeing the plane flying away, I started to cry so badly. "I will always love you Drew Chadwick" I said. I walked away. I just couldn't believe he left me, he didn't even say goodbye, and I was just in so much shock. I was packing my things to go off to college, I was thinking about going to Cali to chase after him but I need to hear from him first. Drew really broke my heart, I've tried calling and texting him but he been ignoring me for weeks now. I wanted to give up but I had faith in him, in us.

    I was in my room doing some last minute packing and putting my things in the car. I saw that Wesley was calling me, I put my things down and I answered him. "Wes" I said, "Haley" Wesley said, "Yeah how you are guys?" I ask, "Good, we got all settled in, you" he said, "Done packing leaving tomorrow" I said, "You going to Penn State for sure" he said, "Yeah I am, Wes how is he" I said, "Haley, Drew wanted me to call you and tell you something" he said, "What is it?" I ask.

     "This is hard for me to say, he has a girlfriend and wants you to move on" he said, "What? I mean what" I said shocked it’s only been weeks and he already moved on he has forgotten about me, I couldn't believe this, I wanted to cry so bad, after everything we have been through. "I'm sorry Haley" he said, "I am fine don't worry about me" I lied and I just hung up, I hit the floor crying. I've never been so heartbroken before it was a horrible feeling in me, I just wanted to get out of town and start my life in college.

    I wanted nothing to do with Drew at this point, I was so heartbroken, first he leaves without saying a word to me, then Wesley has to call me and tell me Drew has another girlfriend, I just can’t believe it, I am in just shocked right now. I left for college, my parents really didn't care that I was leaving so I just left.

     I tried so hard to not let Drew get me to but it was so hard, I like have this little hope he would text or call me but I was wrong. When I got to the college I was in my dorm room setting up my side of the room. I pulled out a picture of Drew and I, I just looked it at I wasn't sure whether to throw it away or keep it; he was my best friend for years and its ruin now.

   "Cute picture" I heard behind me, I turned seeing a girl brown curly hair standing in my room with bags. "Um thanks" I said, she walked in putting her bags down on the other side on the bed. "Um I'm sorry but who are you?"  "Oh I'm sorry how rude of me, I'm Riley Anderson your roommate" she said. Oh right I forgot I had a roommate.

   "Oh hi, I'm Haley Parker" I said, "Nice to meet you, you from here" she said, "No, I'm from Washington" I said, "Damn you came a long way, I'm from New York" she said, "Yeah well it was time to get out of that place, same old town" I said. And old memories.

     "So is that your boyfriend?" she asks pointing at the picture I was holding, I looked at it. "Um, it’s a long story" I said, "Oh good I like long stories, you can help me unpack and tell me" she said.

     "Alright" I said. I helped her unpack and I told her the story with Drew and I. "Wow and he gets another girlfriend and had his best friend call you, how low of him" she said, "Right, I just didn't think he would ever do this to me" I said, "He really hurt you didn't he?" she ask. "Yeah he did, he was more than a boyfriend, and he was my other half" I said.

    "Maybe it's a sign that you two weren't meant for each other" she said. Maybe she was right Drew could have come with me and at least talk to me, but he didn't he went off having another girl; I guess I meant nothing to him. "It just sucks that a good friendship was ruin" I said, "Well you are in a new state, time to start over" she said, "You are right" I said, "It's going to take some time but it will get better" she said. "Thanks Riley, I mean it" I said, "Your welcome, what are roommates for" she said, she walked out of the room, I looked at the picture putting it under my bed. I tried one more time to call Drew it went straight to voicemail. "Hi Drew, it's me Haley, I know you are pissed at me but just know one thing I will always love you, I've always loved you" I said I hung up, I wiped my tears.

     "Do you like to party?" Riley ask coming back into the room, "Yeah of course I do" I said, "There a party happening at one of the frat boys house and we need to go, you need to start fresh" she said, "Yeah lets go" I said. I changed my outfit, we headed out to this party, I put my phone on loud just in case, I am trying hard to let go but it’s hard it’s too soon. I have faith.

Chapter 1(: Just the first chapter of this story, getting to know Haley and Drew I hope you guys like it more is going to be more coming its going to get better,  please vote and share this story(: 4 votes or more to get the next chapter! Thanks guys


I've always loved you-Drew Chadwick FanFicHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin